Thursday, October 3, 2013

Taking Up Fiddle Lessons Helena AL

By Paulette Short

When one thinks of a violin or a fiddle, he will immediately think of an elegant instrument that people play on stage or in an orchestra. With this in mind, many people would like to be able to perfect the playing of this very elegant instrument. Of course if he would want to learn how to play, then he must take fiddle lessons Helena AL.

When one starts out his lesson, he will have to first learn about the parts of the instrument and the accessories that come with it. Since all accessories will be used during the process of playing, then it is important to know how to use each. So basically, the parts are the main instrument, the bow, and of course some resin.

When one has understood how all of the equipment and the parts work, then he can already start with the basics on handling this thing. Now in preparation for the playing, he has to first make sure that the bow and the hairs are tight and steady. Once the hairs have already been tightened, then after that he may put some resin on the hairs in order to make sure that he does not have a hard time stroking the strings.

The next thing to do would be to tune the instrument properly so that it will sound nice. Just like a guitar, it has to be tuned to standard tuning unless one would want a lower dropped sound or a higher one. In any case, the strings of this instrument are G, D, A, and E. Major.

After tuning the instrument, one may now go on to the basic techniques like knowing how to hold the bow. The proper way to hold the bow would to hold the bottom part of the shaft with the first three fingers and use the tip of the pinky finger to tap the lower end of the shaft. It may be hard at first but it once one gets used to it, it will become a second nature.

The next thing that one will have to learn is to hold the instrument properly. To properly hold the violin, one must hold it at the end with all fingers curved so that the fingers can move freely when changing notes. Also, one must put his chin on the chin rest that is built in the instrument.

After learning the basics, then he may now practice playing it for real. He must first start by making a sound by just stroking the bow on the strings just to get a feel of the instrument. When he has gotten the hang of it, then he can now learn to play the different notes.

So when one is going to take some fiddle lessons Helena AL, then he must prepare himself for doing these things. As long as he keeps on practicing, he will be able to play songs very easily. As he advances in his lessons, he will learn how to play more and more songs.

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