Friday, November 18, 2011

Why You Need To Design Your Web For Both Humans And Spiders

By Anne Weaver

A lot of website owners make the bad and expensive lapse of conducting SEO devoid of first designing their web sites to get all set for SEO. This is certainly like trying to fill a conked out pail with water. The effort is going to be futile.

Web design has been here far longer than search engine optimisation or SEO. It used to be that companies produced websites as an added channel to become identified in the channel called the world wide web. Years later on, there were countless businesses with web sites created for them thus resulting in a competition for that one positioned first in the major search engines like Google and Yahoo. This gave birth to Search engine optimization.

SEO is a game of science, talent, and then a sprinkling of magic. It necessitates scientific skills to understand meta tags and codes, to investigate keywords which individuals employ to generate a search, and to make the web site rank depending on these keywords.

There are a couple of methods to optimize a website. Onsite optimisation refers to designing and developing the web site to be ready for SEO. Offsite optimisation refers to any or all the task of creating quality backlinks based on content that an internet site distributes to hundreds, if not thousands, of audiences on the internet.

Web design and development for SEO blends together the elements of a pretty good design and website performance with its high capability to be crawled and listed by search engine spiders. The resulting website has the design that pulls human users, simultaneously, has the suitable page titles and codes to draw in search engine spiders.

Google's major goal is always to constantly offer applicable and handy information for the users for particular keywords they search. This really is how Google can continue as the favored search engine. If Google returns results that are insignificant, then people will not use Google to search for their needs.

For this reason, a first rate website design for SEO should be easy for human searchers to grasp and navigate, and should make available the information they need right away and in an easy manner. Most often, this purpose for an easy design with rich content ties up perfectly with a good website design.

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