Saturday, June 23, 2012

Challenging Images in Stock Photography: Ocean, Water, Life

By Amos Navarro

As humans, our most powerful emotional responses - both positive and negative - originate from visual cues. That's the reasons the old adage, "A picture is worth a thousand words," has more than a ring of truth to it. When you are flipping via a magazine or surfing the net, the photos are what make you stop and look. Today, the photos that are best in capturing the interest of readers and web visitors alike could be summed up in three words: ocean, water, and life.

Imagery is everything - Those who are in the industry of advertising or web design recognize that creating a wonderful product or even a website full of useful information is essential, but it's only one part of success. Selecting the most appropriate imagery to convey to the possible client or visitor may result in resounding success, while deciding on the wrong images can be disastrous regarding sales and web "stickiness."

Meticulously chosen photos will help create and reinforce brand awareness, can help target niche markets, and can help to build client loyalty. Today, lifestyle photography will be the primary method of conveying consumer messages -so much that product photography is generally a small element of a print advertising or perhaps a web design.

Lifestyle Photography Conveys Concepts - The principal function of lifestyle photography is usually to convey concepts. For instance, an image of waves lapping on the beach can convey relaxation, freedom, luxury, and promise. Photography of crashing waves can connect agitation, strength, and persistence. Images of still water with stormy skies can convey turbulence, doubt, conflict, and confusion. A hand trying in the water can relay a communication of hope or of hopelessness. Photography that depicts surfing can connect youthful exuberance or a hip, active lifestyle.

Finding Unique, Captivating Images - If you are using these types of ocean, water, and life images within your advertising campaigns or web design work, you know how frustrating it could be to discover the right photography to convey your key concepts. Most, if not completely, major stock photography companies have the small group of images, or images that are dated. When you find yourself looking for unique images that evoke the best emotional tone, it often pays to patronize smaller stock photography companies, specifically those specializing in ocean, water, and life images. The photographs that will enable you to stand apart from your competition might easily are derived from a company which is steeped in the surf and water lifestyle.

Aside from offering unique stock images, the proper stock photography company should be able to present you with distinctive rights, when you so desire, should track the application of all photos, and should consider commission suggestions. To put it differently, if you want a certain variety of ocean, water, or life image, the corporation must look into shooting the image to suit your needs and after that adding it to their stock catalog. With ocean, water, and life photography swiftly growing to be the most frequent images used in advertising and web design, it's important to look for a stock photography company that could provide you with the unique images that may supply you with the edge and place you in addition to your competition.

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