Saturday, August 25, 2012

Adjusting Your Photography for Success

By James Hardens

Often, photographers believe they can correct any difficulties with shots by adjusting sharpness, contrast, and saturation in the camera. However, experienced photographers rather adjust these settings not only for the entire day, but for the various scenes that they encounter, knowing that most of the skill in photography is demonstrated by the ability to adjust. With that being said, it is still no easy task. Time and attention to detail will be your pathways to success.

How to Improve the Details

Although the first adjustment setting discussed has little to do with the type of camera you're using, you'll find that it is by far, the most crucial component to properly adjusting settings. First, adjustment to the photographer's perspective must be made so that the scene can be set and adjustments made. Without the right perspective on adjusting, he scene will rarely come together to produce an unforgettable photograph.

Without even attempting to use your camera or its settings. Take a step back to really look at the scenery. As you closely examine details of balance, lighting, and those related to our subject, creative ideas about how to approach and master this scene will begin to take seed in your mind.

By the time you have finished, you will be ready to not only approach your scene but also to set it up for success. Of course, you will have noted about ten items that need your attention and how they should interact with each other. From this list, you will be able to improve your image with considerations of color, texture, and lighting that will also be integrated into the photo.

How Can I Adjust Specific Settings

By following your action steps, you'll be ready to finally pick up your camera. This is the step where imagination meets reality in such a way as to affect your pre-programmed settings. While at first this process will entail a great amount of trial and error, you will discover with time that you instinctively know the adjustments required even before bringing the camera to your face.

Of course, there are specific settings that can be easily improved through just a little research and will save you hours of experimentation. As you discover, read, and implement best practices for settings, you can greatly improve your skills in just a fraction of the time. Take, for example using dynamic range on your camera. While the human eye can cope with as many as sixteen stops (or twenty on a really bright summer day), most DSLRs function well at eight stops. Still, even with technical information and opinions, the focus must remain on how to achieve the results you want for your image.

Since adjustments are essential to excellence in photography, investing the required time now will lead you on the pathway to success. Developing your creativity and skill will bring the results you desire now. But, continued development is what will create expertise that cannot be purchased.

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