Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thinking About Piano Lessons In Montreal?

By Lee Gellantly

Often in music lessons, the student goes to the teacher once per week, completes the lesson, is given homework for the week, and then sent off on their own and it is assumed that the student will do the work - the piano teacher, most of the time, doesn't play a larger role.

Lee Gellatly teaches piano lessons in Montreal, and her program is unique because she uses online software for her students to input their practice logs, what was practices, theory homework, questions, and progress, so that she can offer feedback each day in real time.

"Progress is made each day, little by little, not 4 hours of last minute cramming the day before the lesson. I want my students to know that I will be watching and holding them accountable even outside of class," she said.

Gellatly uses online software designed specifically for her piano students, in which her students can keep records of their practice schedules and what was practiced.

For new students, she has designed a 30 day challenge. Gellatly feels that it's important students feel that they are compatible with her as their teacher. Even the best piano teachers in Montreal, need to have personalities that match with their students. This plays a big role in the success of the. So the 30 day challenge usually gives both parties enough time to figure out if they are a good match."


30 min = $30

45 min = $45

60 min = $50

* An an extra $10 is added for house calls.

**Lee offers free lessons to those on a referral basis. Ask for details.

Extras and Bonuses

For those who want a little bit of an extra boost in their understanding of music, Gellatly also offers tutoring in music theory and solfege ear training. Solfege is essential for any student who is considering music school - it allows musicians to compose sheet music without the aid of a standby instrument for reference, the ability to "hear" sheet music as it should sound within the imagination of their mind, and reinforces theory as a "hands on" experience.

For information on classes, schedules, and more, contact Lee Gellatly at 438-930-3842 or

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