Thursday, July 4, 2013

When You Want To Go To A Blues Festival North Carolina Is The Best Place To Go

By Kathy Kaufman

It is always delightful when an event is held that the whole family can enjoy. Everyone appreciates listening to great outdoor music that they can listen to. It is no secret to anyone that North Carolina has a tradition of blues music. For that reason, many choose to go to a yearly blues festival North Carolina hosts.

These events are huge and draw big crowds of people. This is turn draws many vendors, entertainers and artists from across the world. Most major cities in the state have these events that showcase regional artists who play the best blues and jazz music that anyone can ever hear.

During the summer, folks in Wilmington always enjoy the Cape Fear Festival. It is a three day event that is held in July of each year. Attendees are always prospects of winning a brand new guitar through the raffle that is held. They will also enjoy the great outdoor jam sessions that the artists play. It is always free to get into the event, and there is always food and drinks available. The proceeds from the raffle tickets will be donated to the Cape Fear Society.

The home of the Rowan Festival is in Salisbury. Just like any other similar event, there are lots of blues singers playing music outdoors. For those who really enjoy a certain artist, they can purchase one of their music CDs that are available. Those who love to try new kinds of food will really enjoy all of the different ethnic food that is available from around the world. Even though there is an entrance fee, a discount can be obtained by paying for tickets early.

During the month of May, the Carolina Festival is held in Greensboro. It is held at a local park in the city. The musicians at the event will be sure to give guests an experience that they will not forget. This event also gives special consideration to children as there is an area that is just for them. Kids can enjoy the pet zoo and get face painting. There is a fee to get in but discounts are available for early purchases.

The state has many other similar events held in many North Carolina cities. It is not only music fans who will enjoy these events. Families and friends customarily get together to go to these events. Even though each event is held once a year, if a person did some traveling they will always be able to find one that is going on.

People of all ages and backgrounds will enjoy these events. They will leave with memories that will last them forever. It is the perfect type of event for families and friends to enjoy time together.

When it comes to attending a good blues festival North Carolina is the state that knows how to hosts them. All of the events are just as entertaining as the others. Those who go to these events will be taking part of a long North Carolina blues music tradition that has been going on for many generations.

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