Thursday, February 13, 2014

Unique Options For Music Lessons

By Madeleine Bridgeman

Most children look forward to their last few years in primary school because it is during this time that they will be able to choose a musical instrument to play. Many studies have shown that music education greatly enhances academic performance; however, some children would rather learn how to play an instrument that is not available for instruction. So in this case, you will want to consider attending a music school.

Many kids these days would love learning how to play the guitar, and there are several different types of guitars to consider. You could opt for the acoustic guitar which is a great way to start out, or perhaps your child dreams of performing in a rock band and wants to learn how to play the electric guitar or bass guitar. In the last few years, many people have been taking ukulele lessons, as well, and this can be an excellent option for a very young musician.

The piano is another instrument that children cannot learn at school, so if they wish to pursue the piano, you will have to go the private route. Your child also might be interested in taking keyboard lessons, which would include the basics you would learn during piano lessons, as well as learning all of the extra features available on an electronic keyboard.

Drum lessons are yet another option that your child might want to take, and while these generally are available at school, your child might be more enthusiastic playing the type of drums you see in a rock band. At school, they will learn a good deal about rhythm and become familiar with snare drums, bass drums, cymbals and other percussion instruments. In a private lesson, they can really learn how to drum like a pro and accompany rock songs that they love.

Of course, there are plenty of wild instruments that your child might want to learn. Perhaps he or she wishes to learn the accordion or the mandolin or autoharp. In addition, your child might wish to take vocal lessons or perhaps songwriting lessons or classes in music production. In this case, you will need to find a music school that offers these types of lessons, such as Los Rios Rock School in San Juan Capistrano.

If you are searching for music lessons in Dana Point, music lessons in San Clemente or music lessons in Laguna Niguel, Los Rios Rock School can be an excellent option. The tuition not only includes a weekly, one-hour private lesson but students also can opt to become part of an actual rock band. The bands perform concerts around Orange County at venues such as The House of Blues in Anaheim and The Coach House in San Juan Capistrano.

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