Saturday, June 14, 2014

Interview With Redline - Dallas Rock Band

By Jake O'neil

Redline is a soulful rock group out of Dallas Texas. The band is comprised of Joseph Campise on lead guitar, Joe Rodriguez on vocals and acoustic guitar, Austin Adams on bass and Nate Williams on the drums. Redline is a high energy rock band that is highly influenced by Jimmy Hendrix and The Red Hot Chili Peppers.

The was formed about five years ago and the members tell me that they have loved every minute of it. Austin tells me during our interview where the band got their name - the term "redlining your car." Redlining is phrase which to them symbolizes their attitude as a band - they give it their all and putting everything they've got into all things they do.

When Redline start writing a song, they simply start by "just going with what ever comes to mind." What they do next is very unique; Austin says it is very similar to what the band, the Postal Service, did when they were off at college. One of the band members will record a riff or a chorus on his phone and send it in a group chat. Then, each member of the band sends critiques of the song piece back and fourth. When each individual band member's semester ends, the entire band all meets up for band practice and they jam out their ideas and just bounce both old and new ones off of each other.

Redline just released their latest album in January and plan on releasing a couple of singles over the summer. When I asked how close all the band members were as far as their friendships and interpersonal relationships go, they told me that they all feel like they were born to play in this band together. This group has been through bad shows and great shows, bad luck and good luck. Much like the story behind their band name suggests, they have learned to never give up, "even when you think life couldn't get any worse, never back down."

Redline told me that they never want to go with what mainstream music dictates they should. Redline's greatest struggle when starting the group was building a fan base and attempting to get the response from people they were looking for. After putting themselves out there however, they finally were able to achieve the support they were looking for. The band mates plan to continue playing music together for years to come."This band has been through too much sh*t to not make it," Austin says, "and I love that."

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