Monday, October 27, 2014

Science Fiction Music Is Great

By Young Lindsay

Any adult human being can really relate to all of the great films and television events from the past. People are always amazed that John Williams, Maurice Jarre, Barry Gray, Vangelis and Jerry Goldsmith wrote some of the greatest science fiction music. During the years these musical scores have really held up and every individual can usually hum them all. Whenever someone watches the movie "Barbarella" they can usually sing the title song from this dynamic motion picture. "Lost In Space" was another dynamic show which had a great tune for everyone to enjoy.

A certain composer named Jerry Goldsmith was a smart man who knew how to put life into a futuristic program. "Star Trek" was one of the many television events that Mr. Goldsmith assisted with. He even helped to compose the tunes for several of the motion pictures that revolved around this series. All of the characters involved within this particular show were very interesting people who did dynamic things each and every week. The viewers loved this excitement.

This famous man also loaned his talents to the producers of "Logan's Run" which was a 1970's classic. Every person who viewed this film were amazed by the special effects and dramatic tunes. A character named Logan lived within a world that did not appreciate older people. Everyone around had to be exterminated at their thirtieth birthday. Logan tried his best to enjoy this promiscuous society before his number was up.

The mood of this film was very dark and the tunes used in this particular movie were very loud and frightening. John Williams is a famous musical artist who took the time to write for two very big events. In the 1960's this man wrote the title theme for a show called "Lost In Space."

People who watched the first two seasons of this show were not very impressed with the opening theme or its cartoon drawings which could be seen. They became very excited after "Lost In Space" opened to a new countdown scene which led to a tune and graphics that were very eye catching.

John Williams had been a very successful composer and people would always come to him whenever they needed expert advice about musical tunes. George Lucas asked for his help when he was trying to place certain sounds on a little movie called "Star Wars." Hans Solo and Luke Skywalker each had their own melody whenever their characters were upon the screen.

One lovely and sexy lady of the silver screen was named "Barbarella" and she could easily make any male blush. Jane Fonda played this super space agent very well. The character was trying her best to save the world by stopping a deranged scientist.

He in turn tried to destroy Barbarella by placing her within a device that gave erotic pleasures to women. During this scene the artist known as Maurice Jarre created a sound that was quite amazing to hear. He used tunes which sounded very explicit and dangerous. Many people within the audience really marveled at his musical talent.

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