Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Do's & Don'ts Of Piano Playing To Know

By Jennifer Marie Anderson

There's a high level of work that goes into piano-playing, which anyone in this field can attest to. However, the practice that goes into this can be fun, which is one of the most important takeaways in the eyes of art graduates and established musicians alike. However, even the most astute individuals can benefit from a bit of help. In order to receive the best guidance possible, as you continually sharpen your musical skills, keep these do's and don'ts in mind.

Do set your sights exclusively on this. Everyone has responsibilities to account for; this goes without saying. However, those who have studied music theory across major art colleges can tell you that staying focused on this art is in your best interest. When there is too much on your mind, you are unable to remain as committed, which can have a negative impact on your studies. Clear your mind, as difficult as it might be, prior to getting involved in this again. Trust me when I say that your efforts will be better for it.

Don't try to rush it. Suffice it to say, piano-playing is more of a long-term endeavor than anything else. Even though this may go without saying, those who are new to this practice may become frustrated with how slowly progress can begin. However, it's important to treat each day like a new learning experience, as it's likely you'll pick up on something you were unfamiliar with beforehand. This is one of the stand-out traits of music, in general, and any Long Island advertising agency that has worked with musicians can say the same.

Do keep committed, no matter what. Anyone who's well-versed in the art of playing the piano can tell you that commitment matters. Specifically, you have to be willing to practice on a regular basis, continually progressing so that you make improvements. No one wants to feel like they're moving on a proverbial gerbil wheel, as there will be less progression to be made. Stay committed and, before long, you'll be surprised by the skill set you have to boast.

Don't let stress bring you down. There's nothing abnormal about stress, regardless of the craft you're trying to better yourself at. However, it's when you let this element overtake you that problems can arise. Instead of letting this particular element weigh down you down, take it upon yourself to step away and give yourself a break. Everyone needs downtime, no matter how much they may enjoy a particular endeavor, so that they can come back with a clear mindset.

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