Friday, January 1, 2016

Amateurs And Professionals May Discover Competition Quality Prints With Global Travel Photographer

By Javier Luque

The competition quality print is of the highest quality. It is to be mounted on a Foamex board that is completely flat. It must be high density. It has to be moisture resistant, not show surface texture and not warp. A professional NY travel photographer will attest to the value being worth the cost.

A print measures sixteen by twenty inches. The finish can be metallic, gloss, lustre or fine art. It requires as long as seventy-two hours for processing in a lab. It is to be delivered by a courier service.

The travel photographer can be an amateur or a professional. Some great shots are taken by amateurs in the right place at the right time. Photos can be shared with relatives. They can be sold to National Geographic by the professional.

When advertising photographers work they can adjust the lighting to a perfect setting. The travel genre does not have that luxury. Conditions might be foggy or too dark. A fleeting moment that is special does not allow the traveler to choose the time it occurs.

An amateur may be very talented and get excellent results. The travel photographs allow tourists to take home precious memories to share with friends. No wonder it is one of the most popular hobbies of our times. An exciting African safari can be shared and friends can live it vicariously.

Equipment can be expensive but cannot be bulky to carry around. Even a camera phone can capture exciting moments in faraway lands. Most tourists are happy to use an inexpensive small, lightweight digital camera. The amateur does not want to try to change lenses in the middle of an African safari. It may prevent him getting the picture he wants to capture by taking too long to change.

There is also the risk of theft. An expensive piece of equipment is tempting to a thief. Better to take the inexpensive model. If the expensive one were stolen, the pictures would be lost. Even if the camera was insured, the pictures were more important.

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