Friday, January 1, 2016

Tips On Event Lighting Huntsville AL

By Timothy Murphy

Lighting enhances an atmosphere in a party or event. It can change the look of the venue by adding dramatic effects that can transform center pieces, and decor elements into beautiful and elegant pieces of art. In event lighting Huntsville AL, one has to be familiar with the basic principles to start with in order to amaze the guest.

Major consideration should be put into the type of event that is to be illuminated. Different occasions call for different lighting systems. Where the function is a performance by a music artist one might decide on flashy and catchy lights. In a wedding setting, the illumination has to be bright and subtle putting into account the need of photography and the theme colors in mind.

There usually two types of basic illumination. Spot Lighting, or a tightly focused light effect, is a means to direct attention to a particular object or area within a space. For example, to focus light on a spot or centerpiece on a dining table enables you to bring attention to the object and show its beauty to the audience. Decorative illumination delivers visual impact, without even casting much light on the actual subject.

The placement of lights is another significant issue. On the stage, angling lights on forty five degrees enhances shadows on the actor and draw him away from the background. Placing lights behind plants and furniture creates drama and casts interesting shadows. It also creates focal points out of existing art works.

Another factor is safety. It is of importance to be cautious so as to avoid fires and electrocution. When using candles to decorate, use sturdy bases and keep them away from areas where people may be walking or swinging their elbows. Cords should be kept away from traffic so that nobody trips on them.

Controlled lighting is a matter of concern too in Huntsville, AL. Dimming cords and use of bulbs with lesser watts than what one normally uses cuts down costs significantly. One can consider the use of paper lanterns which are seemingly cheap and an easy temporary solution for subtle illumination. They look great too when configured into decorative clusters. Opaque blinds are also a great way of controlling illumination.

Indirect illumination provides a pleasant ambiance and allows you to frame the room with light. Architectural forms can be used and heavy or difficult constructions can be scaled down with the floating effect. Creating some long indirect light without shadows affects the strings and gives rise to an extra feel of space.

Setting the mood is an important part of brightening. The illumination design should be considered and know how it will change throughout the night. The atmosphere can be enhanced by red lights which connote easiness and a subtle romantic setting. Candles on line ledges, mantles, shelves and window sills with votive. Mirrors can be placed strategically to help reflect the flickering light. As the night progresses the candles can be blown out and dimming the lights through the entire night.

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