Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Going To Foreign Places Is The Way NY Travel Photographer Shoots Award Winning Photos

By Lonnie Hahne

Travel photography is a genre within the field of photography. Such a photo can show the landscape, culture and feelings of the people who live in a certain country or area. Those who take award-winning pictures often live in New York City, but spend much of their time on location. A NY Travel Photographer worthy of winning awards is sensitive to beauty, unusual aspects of a culture and experienced in taking advantage of the optimal lighting.

Outdoor photography is always a challenge because one can never be sure of the weather conditions he or she will have to work under. A deadline is sometimes impossible due to rain. When a special moment in time occurs, the photographer must be ready to capture it regardless of conditions. Such prize-winning moments happen only once and then the opportunity is gone.

These professionals are responsible for the emotions evoked in a National Geographic magazine article. As a practical way to earn their living, they lead photo tours for the people who are aspiring photographers. They supply the pictures for brochures of everything from the exterior of a hotel to the appeal of an exotic white sand beach.

Real estate agents and architects will take advantage of their talents to advertise homes for sale and architectural skills for hire. There are prizes awarded for photojournalism and spot news photography among others. These are some of the most prestigious awards a photographer can aspire to winning.

In 1945 an award was given for the photograph named Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima. This is surely familiar for its magnificent depiction of a monumental event. In 1957 a travel photographer working for the Boston Traveler received an award for four pictures taken from an airplane. They were of the sinking of the SS Andrea Doria.

These photographers brought their experience and skills to these locations. They were in the right place at the right time. There was no second opportunity and no time to wait for good lighting. Spontaneity and talent helped them win awards by taking advantage of an event in time that would never be repeated.

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