Saturday, October 15, 2016

South Florida DJs: Tips To Become A Professional DJ

By Gary Hall

Music is one of the arts that is not limited by age, personality or any other factor. Due to this, there are many professions in the music industry with one of them being the DJ. In this profession, the expert uses music that has already been produced and combines them into one. Joining South Florida DJs in this profession is not an easy task, here are some of the guidelines to becoming an expert.

Firstly, you need to familiarize yourself on how to use the main instrument used in mixing the songs the mixer controller. As an amateur in the business, it would be more convenient if you purchased the beginner equipment. Although the equipment produces the sound of low quality and FX, it is the best instrument to help you learn. It is also cheap.

After mastering how to use the beginner equipment you can invest in purchasing the pro equipment. The equipment has added features which will allow you to be more creative when mixing sounds. It will also produce the sound of high quality and FX as compared to that of the beginner's equipment. As they perform better, they are very expensive thus you need to plan top purchase it.

When you are sure that you can efficiently use the mixer, you can then decide on the specific genre of music that you intend to handle. It is more convenient if you choose a music genre that you love most. This will make it easier for you to learn the various info about the music that are important during mixing. For example the length of beats, intros, and outros.

The information is very important as it helps you note the beats per minute aspect of the song. That is a very important point to note about music. This is because when mixing, you need to ensure that the beats per minute of the previous and next song are similar so as to create rhythm. This is also important when fading in or fading out a song.

After you have mastered some of the mixing skills, you require to expose yourself so as to have an idea of how good you are. One of the common ways to expose yourself is through purchasing a Youtube channel. As some of your listeners may also want to see you as you mix the songs, invest in a good quality camera that will record you as you play thus allowing your audience to see you while listening to your music.

To further market your mixed music, you can also open sound cloud and Instagram accounts. The accounts will allow you to upload your music and gather followers. This will thus increase the number of audience for your music. The account will also allow you to inform the public on your progress on a new mix as well as inform them on the date of release of the next mix.

Combining various songs into one and still maintain the entertaining nature of the songs is not an easy task. It is a profession that can only be perfected through frequent practice and patience to finding what music work with each other. You will also need to frequently familiarize yourself with the latest and upcoming music of the genre which you mix.

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