Saturday, March 18, 2017

Knowing The Christian Rock Devotion And God

By Helen Adams

Jesus Christ is an amazing God. He is wise and kind. He greatly thinks of your own welfare. Due to His love, He decided to save your sins. That is correct. He saved your sin even if it means putting Himself on the cross. Hence, try not to be too selfish. If the king of Heaven and Earth was humiliated because of you, you do not have any rights to complain.

He will never judge somebody based on their appearances. He never even judged you by the way you dress. He evaluates you based on your deeds. He knows your thoughts. He knows how weak you are. He even knows how strong you can be in the future. That is why. Surrender your heart to Him. Praise His words. Being a part of the Christian Rock Charlotte NC is not really that bad. Make your thoughts count. People have different ways of showing their feelings. God knows about it.

He knows you more than anyone else. He knows you not because He can read what you are thinking. Of course, He could do that do. However, more than anything else, remember that He knew things about you because He is constantly watching you up close. He watches you work. He evaluates your kindness.

He hears your complaints. He even answers your questions. He never leaves you behind, particularly, during those times that you fall. In fact, to remind you of His love, He even chose to be crucified on the cross. Truly, there is no one else who can do that but Him. If this accident occurs in the movie, the heroine will suppose to show His power at the eleventh second.

If you think that singing and dancing alone are enough to secure your passport in heaven, you are wrong with that. The new world is only exclusive for those disciples who have passed their test here on earth. That is correct. Right now, as this very moment, you are taking the entrance exam to heaven.

He carried the cross to the mountain. He was crucified. He suffered a lot. He never used His power to destroy these people. Surely, if you are going to picture yourself in that situation, you might have destroyed the world through your own power. In fact, at that moment, Jesus can perform that miracle. If He wants the world to recognize Him as a God, He might have performed to do that.

However, He never did. Out of His love, He tried to give the world another second chance. Even today, those chances are still alive. Therefore, try to follow His examples. No matter how difficult life might be, make sure to remember the Almighty Creator. Remember His deeds, His sacrifices, and credible love.

It is not only difficult to achieve. However, it is very unfair too, especially, for those individuals who are willing to be a good citizen of this world. It is quite normal to think this way. As a human, being rational is only part of your nature. Even so, before you make any complaints, try to set Jesus Christ as a role model.

God is not a machine. He is not your servant. Therefore, consider to treat and honor Him correctly. He might be the Creator, despite with this, just like you, He has an emotion too. Therefore, as much as possible, stop hurting him. Obey His words. Once everything will be over, He would surely come to your rescue.

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