Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Mistakes Brides Make When Choosing Their Wedding Photographer Athens Georgia

By Joyce Davis

With so many wedding photographers, so many prices, and styles choosing the right marriage photographer can become quite a big and unwieldy task for the modern couple. To begin with, the internet makes things easier, because you can see lots of work side by side, but this does not immediately let you know the most important bits of information, which will in the end determine the best choice of a wedding Photographer Athens Georgia for you.

In the event of a natural disaster like say a fire, that destroys homes, everyone grabs their most valuable belongings, which normally includes their pictures. They don't reach for their wedding the other things; they take all of their photographs, if they are lucky and if they can. The following are the most common mistakes brides makes selecting a wedding photographer.

They choose their photographer based on the opinions of someone else opinion alone. This is your marriage. While it is good to have help and recommendations, make sure that the person you choose is the one you want. Take time to talk to them, see their work, and understand who they are and how they work.

Know that marriage photography is both a business and a vocation. Marriage photography is a business, and professional marriage photography is one of the hardest and stressful disciplines in the game. You need to choose a professional, who is a good in business and photography. I am not talking about profits here; I am talking about the way they run the business. You need to look at the business and think - will they be here in 5 -10 years time, when I have lost my disk, and I want a re-print.

They are mismatched with the professional. Match your style with theirs. Please don't expect or ask a professional to do or be something other than what they are or what you see in their work. Ask the professional what their style is. Are they traditional? Are they photojournalistic? Important to know, so you can match what you want with who they are.

The first thing to do is look at his website but do NOT be fooled into thinking this is the be all and end all. Always concentrate on the images and not the website design. These days for a few hundred pounds you can have a real classy looking website designed. Never forget that a website only shows the content that he wants you to see. You will only generally see the best images, the ones they want to use to showcase their abilities so take a good look around the website. Have a look and see how many different marriages you can see. If there is only one or two, have they only photographed a few weddings?

Match the photographer to the style you want. This is obvious, but more often than not, he is chosen for another reason, and their style is foisted on the couple. You need to know that a good professional can change the style they shoot a little from shoot to shoot. However, you do not want to choose a formal one to shoot a reportage style etc. Most of them are in the middle, and lean one way or the other.

They choose a photographer on price alone. The internet makes it so easy to shop by price, remember, while budget is important, price shopping makes the thing you are shopping for a commodity. And commodities fall into a category that says "all things are the same, find the best price - which makes sense when you are shopping for a car or a certain brand name item.

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