Monday, May 22, 2017

How To Become A Successful Song Writer

By Maria Morris

A lot of successful musicians who have won Grammys began by composing music for people who were already famous. For instance that is how the famous DJ Diplo began by writing songs for people like Usher. If you want to have a successful career as a song writer you must know that it is not always going to be perfect and your work will be rejected over and over.

There are those people who need to go through special training while others are born with their gift. In case you are a natural born poet music is easy to compose and all you need is the structure. However for someone who is passionate and needs skills they have to enroll in a school. Look for the perfect school that suits your needs.

A lot of people are influenced by different things in life therefore do not let your inspiration be shaken until you are done. Some people are inspired by nature while others are inspired by what they have been through. Whatever inspires you keep it burning however if you get tired do not hesitate to take time and relax it is important.

Tell it all as you compose provided it will make you connected to the music. If you want the audience to connect with the lyrics emotionally you must also be able to feel it in your heart. Sharing a bad and emotional experience does not make you weak in fact you get to sell a hit. That is a special move in composing music.

Do not force anything if it is not flowing just let it be. In as much as it is a job and it is all about making money if you force it you fail and that will go down as the worst record ever. It does not have to rhyme as long as the story behind it is powerful. Instead of rhymes you can try to have repetitive words as they help in keeping the listen hooked.

Once you have the technical knowledge needed think about the bigger picture and what you have been working so hard to achieve. Small details will not help in analyzing therefore listen to other people and see what they make different. Let there be someone who can read your lyrics and correct you when you make a mistake.

Team work will help you be a star in as much as you do not like it. There you get to learn something that you did not know hours before you associated with that person. Be simple in your composition so that your listeners can clearly grasp the words. If you fail once keep going and let nothing stop you ever until you reach your goal.

Sia dedicated most of life into composing music that was sometimes rejected therefore know that it is not a walk in the park. Things will be hard for you and the worst thing is that the income is uncertain. However there is never nothing impossible for a willing heart. See life as it is and face it head on. Think about your weirdest dreams coming to reality anytime you want to give up your dream.

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