Sunday, August 13, 2017

How To Appraise A Vintage Violin Appropriately

By Jose McDonald

Violins produce one of the most authentic sounds among musical instruments. There is also great value in instruments that were hand crafted and meticulously done by passionate craftsmen. Before buying a vintage violin you need to ascertain that it is actually what the seller is claiming it to be. But how can you separate a classical instrument from an ordinary one?

Check the name or label of the crafts man. Some of renowned makers included Stainer, Amati and Guarneri, whose labels and unique designs are visible on the instrument. In the absence of these signs, it is an indication that you are getting an imitation. In fact, some of these violins came in limited series with numbers. They can be traced and thus confirm whether it is a genuine one or an imitation.

Check the label to establish if an instrument is authentic or not. These details can be seen through the f-hole. The details included are date of manufacture and the brand. The age of label used should also match that of the instrument. It is impossible to have a new label on an antique instrument.

Check the Made in tag. The law before 1914 required that items being imported into the US be marked with their countries of origin. This means that such items would have a single name like Germany, Italy and Czechoslovakia, etc. However, violins, among other commodities, imported afterwards would bear the name Made in. Such names were also to be written in English.

To tell the age and quality of violins, check at the quality of varnish. The varnish used on vintage instruments was a quality that never really dried up. It was oil based and easy to detect, compared to what is used today that just evaporates in minutes. Classical instruments have their varnish penetrating deep into the wood. An imitation will display signs of chipping and flakes, which affects the appearance.

Seek professional advice when buying a classical violin. There are professionals who appraise instruments with an incredible level of accuracy. If you suspect that your instrument does not fit the description given, invite an expert. They have sold the violins for years or are even professional players who can distinguish its age by the quality of sound produced. In case of doubt, they will direct you for further examination.

The place you buy your violin is an indicator of quality to expect. Are you buying from a recognized supplier or in the black market? Recognized stores are eager to protect their name and business. They also source their violins and other instruments from credible sellers. In case you realize that you have been duped, you can seek recourse considering that the business is duly registered.

The attachments that come with violins should also be of concern. Look at the quality of the accompanying bow. It must be intact with high quality string. The casing and storing of the instrument also give an indication of the quality to expect. Avoid poorly stored violins that are likely to have been eaten by mites.

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