Saturday, December 23, 2017

Where To Catch Gigi Love Performing

By Melissa Scott

In the Trails & Rails program, a coordinated effort between Amtrak and the National Park Service, this is the very first troubadour to be a part of the organization. As a way of exposing people to the amazing wonders that any national park has to offer, Trails & Rails combines long-distance train rides with breathtaking views and amazing travel destination in national parks. These are the main places where Gigi Love performs her music that is perfectly suited to the environment.

Love's devotion to these beautiful parks led her on a journey that lasted for two years from 2015 to 2017. On this journey, she went to over twenty national parks so that she could see for herself the beauty that was there, and so that she could learn as much as she could about the communities and history. Taking plenty of notes along the way, she was able to create from her experiences a number of the songs that are on National Parks Centennial Songs, her full-length album.

People who listen to this troubadour playing on the train or in the park get the feeling of being taken on a wonderful journey into serene and beautiful nature. Her music compliments those experiences well, but listeners can even get that feeling while sitting at home when listening to her. The stories that her lyrics tell and the vibe of her music takes listeners and audiences on a musical journey.

Love's hometown is Dallas, Texas. When she was in first grade, she first picked up the guitar and started singing, and after years of devoted practice, her family and friends could quickly tell that she had a talent for performing and songwriting. By twelve, she was performing at some of the biggest local venues.

The name recognition of this artist comes from some of the big venues that she has had the opportunity to play. A lot of people might recognize her from when she performed at the Closing Ceremonies of the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake. She is also known for her opening performance for the Dave Matthews Band.

Love's association with the Northeast Regional Folk Alliance has included the Suzi Wollenberg Folk DJ Showcase in 2016 as well as touring with Kate McLeod. She has also toured with Duncan Phillips, who is Utah Phillips' son, in a Utah Phillips tribute band called Burns on the Plush. Love's performance on these songs gives a whole new life to these classics.

Gigi discovered her passion for national parks, and shortly after came her beautiful songs as a tribute to them. She decided that she would take it upon herself to write music that told the story of these places with the hopes that people will have a greater appreciation for them. When hearing her perform in these parks, it can be heard and felt just how perfectly the songs fit the parks.

When Gigi performed at Yosemite and a rock climber offered to sell her his mandolin for $25 so that he could have the gas money to get home, she didn't know it would be a pivotal moment in her career. She bought the mandolin, and then took it up into the El Capitan Meadow. There, she sat and wrote her first national park song: Yosemite Gold.

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