Friday, September 7, 2018

Experience The Joy And Wonder Of The California Chamber Orchestra

By John Barnes

Many people have heard community orchestras play, and it is easy to be impressed by their overall sound and technical skill if you haven't heard a lot of live music like this before, or if you haven't even really listened to recordings very much, so you're not aware of the musical potential and how it can really sound. That is why some people have such an incredible first experience attending a California Chamber Orchestra concert, since they are a group of the best professionals around. You might just have your mind blown by how beautiful the sounds are, and you might have never thought that a group of those instruments could sound quite like that.

When there are so many other types of music out there, not to mention different ways to listen in which the people creating the music don't get paid nearly as much, it is hard for people who have trained their whole life to play a certain type of music to find work sometimes. This can be incredibly frustrating and limiting as far as what you do with your life and career. That is why it is a great thing that California has this chamber orchestra, so that working musicians from across the state can get into a terrific paid position.

It is good to know that there are only four concerts held a year, which is really quite a lot when you think about the fact that there is an ongoing schedule with those four concerts held every single year. Every once in a while, there will be additional performances, but this is the standard that you can expect on a normal basis. You will definitely want to check and see when these dates are so that you can catch all of the ones that you are really interested in.

The place where you will usually be able to see these kinds of concerts is at the Old Town Temecula Community Theater. This is a very popular and prestigious venue, so it will be hard to miss it, and the locals will definitely be able to point you in the right direction if you've never been there before. Once you are inside, it is easy to feel like you've been transported to another world because of the amazing beauty you are surrounded by, making it the perfect place to hear the kind of music.

If you have ever wondered what makes this type of ensemble different from a symphony or a philharmonic, it's not that hard to understand. All you have to know is it has to do with a smaller size. Chamber groups are usually around ten to twenty-five people.

A great thing about this group is they play all the kinds of music you would expect them to. This ranges from early Baroque into Classical. What some people don't expect is the range of contemporary music that they work in as well.

This might be an excellent way to break the ice on a first date. You will find yourself talking for hours if you start the night off with this kind of music. It is amazing how much beautiful music can help people open up, and it can really bring out the best in people as well, making it easy for young lovers to find things in common.

It is always nice to bring your friends along on this sort of thing. That way, you can all talk about what you thought of the show afterward. This can be a valuable part of appreciating and immersing yourself in the music.

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