Monday, October 1, 2018

Save Yourself From Insomnia Complications By Listening To Soothing Harp Music Nightly

By Kimberly Lee

You can take a sleeping pill every single time that you are having a hard time falling asleep. You must be prepared, however, to deal with some completely unfavorable side effects the next day. If you are looking for a natural remedy for insomnia, then play soothing harp music at bedtime. Save it on your cell phone and play it the moment that you jump into bed. So many complications associated with insomnia can be avoided by following such easy tip, and below you will come across some of them.

Elevated blood pressure. Since your body isn't obtaining sufficient rest at night, your blood pressure may become increased the following day. Being stressed can certainly worsen things. Suffering from high blood pressure isn't good for you because it can put you at risk of encountering what's considered as the number one killer on the planet, and that's heart disease.

Obesity. Believe it or not, failure to get a good night's sleep can cause your waistline to expand. Health authorities say that being deprived of much needed sleep at night can wreak havoc on your metabolic rate. It can also turn you into an emotional eater, something that causes you to crave a lot of foods that are loaded with sugar in order for you to feel comfort or happiness.

Elevated blood sugar. Instead of being used by your cells as fuel, sugar remains in the bloodstream. This can cause your blood sugar to become abnormally high. This is not healthy because, according to doctors, it can considerably put you at risk of suffering from type 2 diabetes.

Weakened immune system. It's very much possible for your immune system to suffer if you fail to obtain 7 to 9 long hours of shut eye every single night. You are virtually defenseless against disease causing microbes like viruses and bacteria if your immunity is in a bad shape. As a result of this, you may constantly find yourself having bouts of the flu and common cold.

Exhaustion. Certainly, you will feel tired the whole day if both body and mind of yours didn't get the opportunity to have a break the night before. It's not just your body that will seem worn out, but the mind as well. Such can significantly affect your workplace status as you are sure to encounter a decline in your memory and concentration.

Anxiety and depression. Your emotions can be affected in a negative fashion by your inability to have 7 to 9 hours of sleep every single night. You may encounter plenty of anxious thoughts throughout the day especially if you have to take care of or think about lots of responsibilities. Experts say that you may also have bouts of depression. If you are diagnosed with a mental disorder, then it can be exacerbated by insomnia.

Accelerated aging of the skin. Despite what many think, having unsightly eye bags isn't the only cosmetic nightmare that lack of sleep can cause. Skin care specialists confirm that it can actually cause the aging process of the skin to accelerate. If you like to obtain as well as maintain young looking skin, then see to it that you sleep just like a baby every night.

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