Saturday, March 26, 2011

Easel Stands - Economical, Functional and Beautiful

By Kylie Scott

Whether you are looking for a tall easel stand whiteboard or a small one for displaying a photograph or plate, you can find just what you need, at a price to suit. Some very inexpensive models can serve their purpose perfectly, while more ornate or multi-functional ones, while more expensive, remain a very cost-effective solution to any number of needs.

The type of easel stand you typically find in classrooms everywhere is an example of a purely utilitarian stand. These serve one purpose only: to carry a whiteboard at a convenient height for both the user and the viewers. It has been a standard visual aid in classrooms for generations and is yet to be surpassed as a vehicle for enhancing any form of lesson or presentation.

A more elaborate floor easel may be flippable vertically or rotatable horizontally. This kind of easel stand is ideal when a presentation requires one to refer back to previous information or to use one side of the board to display a promotional poster and the other to aid him in his presentation.

While in some situations, such as in school classrooms, a semi-permanent easel stand on wheels will suffice. It can simply been rolled out or the way when it isn't needed. At other times, a more portable stand is a more appropriate choice. Salesmen on the go, for instance, need a more easily transportable display stand. There are dozens of designs that can fulfill their requirements perfectly, whatever they may be.

The salesperson who must always be doing his presentations in different locations needs something that can be neatly folded away and transported. For his needs, a tripod easel or a bi-fold easel is perfect. Many of these can simply be collapsed. Their legs may be telescopic, like a camera tripod, or folding. Made from lightweight materials such as aluminum, they are smart looking, inexpensive and very useful.

Variety and functionality are not limited to floor easels, either. There are any number of tabletop designs to choose from that are equally useful. Many of these, such as the lectern stand, are designed for specific purposes. Others are general purpose stands. They might be used to hold a whiteboard or a flow chart diagram for a business presentation. These slip easily into a briefcase, so can be available for use anywhere on a moment's notice.

Not to be overlooked are the hundreds of decorative uses easel stands can be put to. Works of art, rare or favorite books, family photographs, collectible plates and even fine wines are just a few of the many uses decorative easels can be put to.

With so many styles to choose from, there is an easel stand for every conceivable purpose. Inexpensive, functional and versatile, it's hard to imagine what we would do without them.

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