Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Solid Advice When Trying To Capture The Perfect Picture

By Allison Maggie Sanchez

If you have no prior experience, getting started in photography can seem like a daunting task. The number of resources available can look impressive to a newcomer to the world of photography. Follow these guidelines on how to organize your resources, and apply them to creating memorable images.

To help add depth to your landscape photographs put something interesting in your foreground. Have something simple, such as a leaf or rock, for an extra view in the photo. It can have the benefit of drawing the attention of your viewers to the frame as a whole and put your subject in a new light.

Use the manual settings on your SLR to improve the quality of the pictures you take. Digital photography takes stress and costs out of picture taking. What does that mean? You can experiment freely with the advanced settings your camera has and really become an expert on what can be done with it.

Try to get as close as you can to your photograph subject. You want a full picture of the object. If you are shooting a photo of a plant or an inanimate object, this is a very good technique. Try using the zoom feature if you cannot get closer.

If you plan to shoot images indoors with fluorescent lights overhead, you should make an appropriate adjustment to your camera's white balance settings. You may need to compensate for red tones to avoid the cooler tones of the subjects in your photos when taking pictures in fluorescent lighting, which usually produces greenish and bluish light.

Look around for good subjects for your photos, any time you are on the road. For a quick insight into local areas that may be rich with potential photo subjects, give the nearest rack of postcards a spin. Study the postcards, taking note of the subject matter and the way the photographer shot the pictures to take advantage of some specific qualities of the subject, then use these techniques when taking your own photos.

Shutter speeds can give different effects when varied. When you are photographing moving subjects, setting a fast shutter speed will allow you to capture an image with split-second timing, without motion blur. This is a good setting for things like sporting events. On the other hand, you can set your shutter to a slow speed, so you can incorporate motion blur into your photograph as a special effect. Waterfalls and streams look phenomenal when shot with this method.

Composition is an important factor that every beginning photographer should consider and educate themselves on. If there is lack within the composition, the photograph will suffer, as this is true across all forms of art. Learn composition rules and apply what you've learned every time you take a photograph to improve your overall photography skills.

Your camera can serve as a great tool for when you are taking shots. You'll be able to blur the background of your photos better if you use a shallow field depth to draw attention to the focus of your photo.

Are you attempting to capture your subjects as if they'd been caught out in the rain? Simulating rain is as easy as bringing a spray bottle to a shoot.

As you can see from the previous list of tips, photography can really capture a special moment or subject. Although it requires lots of research and practice, it's ultimately worth it for becoming a better photographer.

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