Friday, August 17, 2012

Selecting a Wedding Photographer is About Style

By John Santoro

Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life. It's a day you want to remember forever. The photos that are made of your special day will be a constant and cherished reminder of your preparations, ceremony, family, friends and you. Taking the time to understand your options when it comes to wedding photographs is one of the most important tasks in your wedding planning.

One of the most important things to consider when selecting your photographer is to understand your own personal style. Do you know what types of photos and art please you? Do you like perfectly crafted locations images or do you like spontaneous pictures of unique situations of your day?

You can uncover your artistic preferences by paying attention to the art you have displayed in your home. Focus on the different pieces you have around the house. Do you hang traditional portraits and nature scenes or do you have a more adventurous style. If you keep your eyes open you'll discover if your a traditionalist or a modernist.

Once you've decided on the type of art that speaks to you, you can then decide on the style of photography to choose. You can choose from the three dominant styles today: traditional, photojournalism and combined. All of these styles have their own characteristics.

Wedding albums of your parents are often the first time you've seen traditional wedding photos. These photos exhibit perfect poses and perfect lighting. This is a style the photographer takes from wedding to wedding. Frequently he uses a shot list to ensure that he hits all the traditional subjects of the event.

Your wedding will be covered as a news event by a photojournalist wedding photographer. Human interaction and emotion will be what he captures rather than focusing on a highly prepared style. The wedding venue will be used as a backdrop and be incorporated into the photos. A photojournalist wedding photographer is known for working quickly and efficiently.

The most popular style of wedding photography now is the photojournalism style. Traditional shooters have added "photojournalism" to their list of services and thus created the combined style. The combined style is difficult to achieve.

Matching the your personal style with the style of the photographer is the key to getting great wedding photos that you love. You can choose any style but make sure it's you.

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