Wednesday, December 19, 2012

How To Market Yourself As A Wedding Photographer

By Mavic Herring

Decades previously, photography was something only the wealthy enjoy, and films weren't something as ubiquitous as radio or television sets, and everyone else did not seem to mind the difference to begin with. These, obviously, are long gone: film has gone nearly obsolete because of digital photography and cheap, unlimited digital storage. DSLRs get cheaper and better every single day, and that little thing called the World Wide Web has created photography sensations overnight.

But not all photographers may feel too welcoming of this swift transition, but because this is today's reality, everybody who desires to keep up will have to join in the bandwagon as well. So if you take photos of weddings as a career, you will have to start marketing yourself online as well. Here are a few things you can do to keep up and remain outstanding at the same time.

Create a minimalist website that will showcase your best work and allow visitors to contact you via phone or email, or pay your studio a visit. It's important to purchase your own domain so as to look more professional (signing up in one of those free blogging channels usually comes off as unprofessional). Update your website regularly with your latest works in order to let visitors know you are always on the move. You could also incorporate a web-exclusive slideshow to your wedding packages in order to draw your clients to your site.

[[If you're a singapore wedding photographer, you can also set up your Facebook fan page as well as Twitter account so as to reach more potential customers on the web, as well as to keep your present and previous clients up-to-date with your works. You will find that this isn't only cost-efficient but also effective in keeping communication lines and project opportunities open. You can also utilise your social media accounts for Wedding Photography Singapore promotional projects, such as offering discounts to your Facebook fans or giving away prints or shoot sessions on your anniversary. All these are a good way to develop a community beyond your studio.]]

Of course, do not forget the heart and soul of your craft: the personal interactions. Update your calling cards to contain your website as well as Facebook fan page, and take time to present these to clients you meet. Consider your online presence a great way to attract more people to your services!

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