Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Art of Photo Rejuvenation

By George Kristen

A photo can be priceless, especially if no negatives or digital copy is available. They can be damaged through natural means such as overexposure to sunlight which causes fading and discolouration, or perhaps even graffiti added by the grandchildren, or maybe something is required to be edited out of the photograph. If any of these situations affect you, photo restoration may be the cure to rejuvenate your old damaged photos.

Enhancing a Photo

Photograph restoration is basically a process that involves enhancing, improving, and restoring an old physical photo back to its former glory. While the process is extremely effective at restoring life into an old damaged photo, there are various limitations as to what can be achieved with it; although it can be surprising exactly what can be restored. The most difficult colours of the spectrum to retrieve detail from are portions that are excessively light, and areas that suffer from too much shadow which obscures the finer details within an image.

With a primary examination of the photo we'll be able to assess and conclude what can be realistically achieved with our restoration process. While we do alter copies of the original via the digital data created, please rest assured that the actual original used to create the copies will remain untouched.

Upon completion of rejuvenating the photograph we'll send you both the original and restored version as a digital data file that can easily allow for easy printing as well as ensuring the appearance never degenerates over time.

Image Enhancing

There are various services are available to help restore a photo that was thought damaged forever. It's all based on the individual quality of the photo with what can be fully achieved, but we're sure you'll be impressed by just how much our process can potentially improve upon the original, and sometimes even exceed your expectations.

Our team of experts are able to restore old cracked portraits that are attached to a tin or wooden back, and even convert a photo with a colour transparency of 35mm or black and white negatives with ease. Even if your photo has been ripped into many pieces there is still hope, just as long as the pieces remain, we can restore it.

The techniques used can even add colour to any old black and white photos, or add just about any style and tone you require from framing the photo to printing on canvas, or even altering the colour to sepia or monotone. There are many options made available to you, to discover what can be done to rejuvenate an old photo, contact our professional staff today.

Whatever walk of life you come from photos are a treasure to us all that can either tell a story, enhance words in a book, or maybe be a fond link to the past. We're so confident you'll be happy with the results, and please feel free to request testimonials from our previous clients.

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