Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How Passport Photo Singapore Could Help You In Singapore

By Christine Taylor

Long time ago, putting up an application for a passport was a tedious and time-consuming process. You had to actually run from pillar to post for many days before you could have the passport. Luckily, with better technology, the procedure has become speedier over the years. Also, help is available at every level, to make your task simpler too. Hence, putting up an application for a passport is less onerous now than what it used to be long ago.

Passport photo singapore: If you are intending to have a treasured family photograph, it is suggested that you contact a reputed photo studio singapore or a family photography service.

Every state has some regulations in place for passport photo and Singapore is no exception to the rule. The country has some stringent and clear-cut stipulations for passport photos. Singapore is famous for its stern legal and disciplinary measures. Hence, the Lion City believes in conforming to international biometric specifications.

Therefore, if you wish to put up an application for passport photo singapore, you will need to conform to the specifications to prevent further problems with passport and visa. Only then, you shall be preventing criminal and undesirable activities regarding passport and visa. It would be helpful to learn the norms for a passport photo if you are putting up an application for one in Singapore.

To start with, speak to a reputed passport photo singapore service, which is aware of every rule in this regard. For example, please remember that your photo has to be 3.5 cm by 4.5 cm in size. The photo has to be clear and flawless with no borders. As you would do for an ID photograph; you have to gaze unswervingly at the camera. Keep your eyes wide open and avoid wearing spectacles or colored contact lenses.

The backdrop should be white without any decoration when you are being clicked and the upper part of your shoulders is in view. Take off your cap or any head dress if there is no religious or cultural obligation. Women are advised to shun excessive makeup to have a natural look in the photo. Lastly, speak a experienced passport photo singapore service so that you are clicked in accordance with government regulations.

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