Monday, July 15, 2013

Best Meditation Methods

By Samantha Sullivan

Discovering the best meditation method for you is one of the highs you can experience in modern chosen mantra over and over, either out loud or in your life.Too often, we are too stressed even to contemplate meditation, even though taking a few quiet minutes to meditate could be one of the best things we could do in our lives.
[Best Meditation]

Sometimes knowing how others have benefited can help you either to decide when to meditate or to decide what times of day to experiment with meditating. When working one-on-one with individuals, they often ask my advice about the best time to meditate. When I know something about their lifestyle and I tune in to them energetically, I can give specific recommendations. However, when writing an article that a variety of people will read, I need to approach it in a different way. So, here are some considerations.

Pick a place to meditate. You do not necessarily have to go far and wide and go to mountain tops just to meditate. Even a corner of your bedroom is already more than enough to be able to meditate. The important thing in making meditation successful is to be able to find a place where the noise is minimal and is free of distractions.Make use of music and other things if needed. There are actually music that are really meant for meditation. It usually entails the use of ancient musical instruments or the sounds of nature such as the gushing water or the sound of the wind and the trees. These are actually a few things that can help you concentrate. You can also make use of scented candles if you like to make meditation more inviting.

Practice makes perfect. Remember the old clich that practice makes perfect? It is very much applicable to meditation for beginners to. To concentrate and not have to think of anything is hard. It could be frustrating after a few tries but doing it regularly allows you to focus clearly and be able to perfect and master the art of meditation.These meditation tips for beginners are the most basic. If you want to know more as to how to meditate you have the option of searching over the net, making use of books or enroll yourself in a meditation class if you like.

Meditation is a technique which is great for stress management. One good thing to note is that stress often occurs in the mind,although it doesn't make it less real. This means that the mind is the key to remove stress from your life. Once a person meditates regularly, he or she experiences relaxation, gains increased awareness, sharper mental focus, and achieves clarity and a sense of peace.

The elapsed time of this meditation is quite variable. My purpose is to experience the feeling of connection with the Divine, which I can best describe as "detachment with a heightened awareness." It's a particular sensation, which is understood by those who feel it, yet really ineffable. Usually I reach that state quickly, unless I am agitated and need to release the agitation first. I stay in the feeling until it ends spontaneously. That may be a few seconds or a few minutes. Even if I am only a few seconds in that consciousness, I am replenished for hours.

In the Indian scriptures it is said the absolutely best time to meditate is between 3am and 4am. This is known as the Brahma Muhurta or hour of God. However in the west if we go to bed at 11 or 12 then this will be too early. If we try to meditate very early we may find our mind is sleepy making real meditation very difficult. However it is beneficial to be able to meditate early in the morning as the peace we feel will remain with us for the rest of the day. If it is possible to meditate facing the rising sun this will also be very beneficial as we will derive energy from the sun.

Not all meditation requires sitting in a chair. So, jogging is meditation for some; swimming for others; gardening for others. Find an activity that helps you to tune into the Divine aspect of you, and whenever the time is right for that activity, is the right time to meditate for you.3:00 in the afternoon is often a time in the day when people need a break; in the workplace, it is often a giddy time when people need to shake or laugh or yell. Right after that can be an optimal time for some to sit quietly for a few minutes.

Passionflower. The herb is good at providing individuals with a restful sleep. The flower, vine, and leaves of this herb contains substances that have proven, gentle sedating qualities. Recommended by herbalists as a top treatment for insomnia, it's especially helpful when sleep is disturbed by anxiety. Use 1 teaspoon of dried herb per cup of boiling water.Lemon Balm. Lemon balm helps to relieve anxiety and restlessness. This citrus-fresh herb is effective in reducing tension, nervousness, and a mild case of the blues. Drink a cup before bedtime to help you feel sleepy. Select fresh or dried leaves that have a strong lemony mint scent. Use 1 tablespoon of leaves per cup of boiling water, and drink as needed.

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1 comment:

  1. methods meditation - 5 tips

    Many meditative techniques require one to sit still and silent methods meditation. But for most of us accumulated stress in our body mind makes that difficult. Before we can hope to access our inner core of consciousness, we have to let go of our tensions methods meditation...
