Thursday, September 5, 2013

Being Able To Handle Frustration

By Amanda Baird

Frustration is a normal feeling that people will have in their everyday lives simply because of all the stress that they are undergoing. Frustration may stem out from work related issues, relationships, or even just personal conflicts. The great thing is that this kind of feeling is only temporary and there are so many ways to be able to cope with it or handle it properly.

The main root of this kind of feeling is simply high expectations because one will definitely harbor a lot of feelings of dissatisfaction if he does not reach his expected goal. Because of this, he will feel very frustrated about himself and maybe even angry. So the first step in curing this feeling is to simply lower the expectations.

With lower standards come better acceptance because one will not have the need to reach too hard for a goal that he cannot get. Of course there is nothing wrong with being ambitious but if one goes too far, he will have problems with self acceptance. So one must always lower the bar and accept himself for who he is.

Of course people may also be the reason as to why one can get frustrated. If a person lets down another person, then the one that was let down will definitely feel frustrated as to why he trusted that person in the first place. So aside from not expecting from oneself, one should also not expect much from others.

Always remember that instances of frustration will never ever completely be eliminated because stress will always be present in the life of every person. Now one great way to deal with stress and negative thoughts would be to have a moment of silence. Thinking deeply is one way to not only relax the mind but also try to come up with a solution on how to fix the problem.

Of course there are also some people who just need to try to let go of the frustrations. That is why a lot of people cry out when they are experiencing disappointments because it helps them throw out all of their issues on the table. If one does not really cry, then he may just try to do some activities to let him release all of his tensions.

Probably the best way to be able to release all of that pent up anger would be to talk to someone about it like a sibling, a parent, or just a friend. As long as there is someone to listen, one will be able to feel better. He will be able to feel that he is not alone and that he has someone who will help him get through all of these issues.

So basically, those are some of the ways to prevent frustration and also cope with them. Take note that if something is not done about these feelings right away, then they will just accumulate. So nip them at the bud while they are still fresh so that they do not grow.

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