Thursday, November 28, 2013

Basics On Non Slip Guitar Picks

By Georgia Diaz

Guitar picks refers to plectrums that are used for playing the instrument known as a guitar. Generally these are made from one single material, be is wood, glass, stone, nylon, plastic, rubber, tortoiseshell, felt, or tagua. For guitar players, a slippery pick can be annoying and make playing more difficult. Non slip guitar picks are available through numerous stores and can also be easily made.

For most guitar players, dropping the pick while playing can be the worst-case scenario. Many musicians tend to have others available just in case a slippery pick is dropped and lost. Still, one of the best preventatives for dropping these is ensuring the pick is easy to hold on to. Non slip kinds are available through many retailers but are known to cost more than traditional kinds.

For those who are interested in having non-slip picks, but do not want to pay the extra money, there are other simple modifications that may be done at little or no cost. Numerous tips and tricks related to this product are mentioned on websites, forums and other resources online. Some techniques may be more effective than others, and the results will differ based on numerous factors.

Hole-punch method is often used to help with this problem. In order to do this yourself, locate the center of the piece and mark this spot with a marker. The color of the marker does not matter, although the mark should be visible even on dark-colored pieces. Then take a hole punch, put the piece inside and press down. Squeeze the punch, making sure to sand off the rough edges using a sandpaper that is of fine grit.

Sandpaper is another option. Choose one that has enough grit but is still comfortable to touch. Those with extremely fine grit are best because they offer some grip but do not wear down skin. Fold the paper and cut it according to the size of the pick. Place glue alone the back side and in the middle of the sandpaper. Press paper and pick together to adhere and repeat the same steps on the other side.

Picks come in many varieties. They are known to vary in thickness, shape, material, sound and style. Most of these different types are available in non-slip models. The kind of material may determine how slippery the pieces are to hold when playing. Likewise, the notes being played or the guitarist playing them might also impact how slippery the piece becomes. Some who have damp or clammy hands may find it difficult to keep a hold of these pieces.

There are numerous products that are available for fixing this issue. Furthermore, there are many solutions that may be done at little or no cost and work just as well as store-bought products. Find out what is the best solution for you.

Non slip guitar picks are available through a great number of retailers. They come in an assortment of models and versions, just as traditional picks do. It can be frustrating for guitar players to have slippery picks that are easily dropped, but many products and tricks can be employed to reduce this issue.

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