Friday, December 27, 2013

Blonde Pop Singers Are Great

By Harriett Crosby

There are so many blonde pop singers across the globe and many people know them all. They are people who have been in the entertainment business for many years and all of their fans really appreciate their music. Anyone around can tell someone all about Rod Stewart or Madonna. Even though Madonna started off as a brunette her hair eventually became fair.

Throughout the years American people have always loved such famous English and Australian artists such as Samantha Fox and Kylie Minogue. These two ladies have bright hair that is as golden as the sun and according to experts they were born this way. They are quite different with their styles but this is always a good thing within the music business.

American people have been dancing to the music of Lady Gaga since she created the great song "Paparazzi." Lady Gaga enjoys being flamboyant and she will wear clothes that are very revealing. Sometimes she puts on clothing that is made of "meat" whenever she attends certain events. Overall this is one person who loves everyone and embraces all cultures.

Within the 1980's Samantha Fox would appear topless on many posters which were purchased by young lads across England. "Touch Me" was a huge hit for this person when she first decided to become an artist. This song expressed her sexual freedom and she even referred to herself as a "tramp" in the song. As time went on Samantha let everyone know that she was involved in a sexual relationship with a woman.

Everyone knows that Kylie Minogue is one very lucky girl. She even wrote a tune called "I Should Be So Lucky" which told about her good fortune. People who were not into heavy rock music preferred to listen to Kylie's peaceful lyrics on these records.

One great woman called Madonna became a golden girl later on in life. Every human being has heard about this woman and her antics that she has been doing for many years. She has always been controversial since the beginning of her career and this is what her fans expect. Before she married an English man Madonna filmed a video called "Justify My Love" which showed her bisexual side.

Any person who is over the age of forty has always loved the music of Mr. Rod Stewart. This very talented English bloke made men and women very excited whenever he appeared on stage. He has a sexuality that never quits and all of his managers and agents realize this unique quality. The recording "If You Think I'm Sexy" was a huge hit for him. He has always been quite virile and has now married a younger woman.

Blonde pop singers have always been around for many years and sometimes they have great talent that never ends. Currently people have also come to know the great Britney Spears who seems to always have something terrific going on. There are so many other golden haired artists around the world who will always amaze people.

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