Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Unique Options For Music Lessons

By Madeleine Bridgeman

Most children look forward to their last few years in primary school because it is during this time that they will be able to choose a musical instrument to play. Many studies have shown that music education greatly enhances academic performance; however, some children would rather learn how to play an instrument that is not available for instruction. So in this case, you will want to consider attending a music school.

One choice that many children are highly enthusiastic about is taking guitar lessons. Your child might be interested in acoustic guitar lessons, electric guitar lessons or bass guitar lessons. Another option that has gained popularity in recent years is learning how to play the ukulele.

Piano lessons also typically are not taught at school, so private piano lessons are the only option. Some schools offer keyboarding lessons, as well, and students can learn how to use this electronic instrument which is highly versatile, offering many different sounds and even drum beats.

If you don't mind the bustle of practice time, learning how to play the drums can be great fun for a child with a good sense of rhythm. Children can learn percussion instruments at school, including bass drums, snare drums, symbols and other important parts of the percussion section. But if you are hoping to play like Ringo Starr, Lars Ulrich or Keith Moon, you'll need to find a private teacher at a local rock music school to truly learn how to keep the beat. Students are typically very enthusiastic about private drum lessons because they get to accompany songs they really love rather than what the school music instructor selects.

Your child also might be thinking way outside the box and want give the mandolin or accordion a whirl or perhaps an autoharp. For these, private lessons are must, as well as for those who wish to take songwriting lessons or voice lessons. A San Juan Capistrano music school such as Los Rios Rock School can be a good option for children with these interests.

Los Rios Rock School is a great option for those searching for a Dana Point music school, a Laguna Niguel music school or a San Clemente music school. This centrally located school offers lessons for virtually any instrument, as well as vocal and songwriting and production classes. The tuition includes a weekly private lesson that lasts for an hour, and students also become part of a band and enjoy practice sessions that lead up to real live performances at top local venues such as Stillwater, the Coach House and even the House of Blues.

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