Saturday, May 24, 2014

Beautiful Sounds Of Kosmoratik Band

By Marci Glover

Epic music results from composure during composition and careful choice of words and sounds. The style adapted by Kosmoratik band has enabled them to win a large following across generations. They began in 2011 in Oslo as a musical experiment. The three pioneering members, Lise Lotte, Eivind Johansen and Odd Gunner, wanted to test how layering can apply in music. Their experiment bore fruits and resulted in music that is deep endearing.

The band rewarded their fans with their first album in 2012. It received incredible reviews and air play. It also enabled them to tour the world and perform in sold-out concerts. They gave it the title Gravitation. The common style in the album was symphonic pop and classic rock which resulted in epic tunes. The group has dominantly incorporated oboe, string quartet and acoustic guitar in each of their songs. The sound combination is professional and produces beautiful music that has won the hearts of followers from all age groups.

Fans wanted more music from them after the release of their first album. This pressure and success from the first album has fueled production of the second album under the title Bridges and boats. It has maintained the epic, symphonic and classical element that distinguishes the group. The band has taken the experiment further by trying out the 60s and 70s rock feel. The melodies are carefully selected and so are the words. Professional arrangement and melody patterns complete the incredible package.

The band tackles complex and very deep themes. The concept of layering that was a flagship for the band allows the lyrics to have double meaning. Inclusion of the symphonic and classical rock feel as well as experiments with progressive rock has made the music more endearing. The second album is no longer an experiment but mastery of skills.

Johansen Eivind is a pioneering member of the group and a pillar to its success. He is excellent with string and wind instrument arrangement and produces superb melodies. He masters the techniques and grows it with every track. He is responsible for the ballad feel in the songs.

Odd Gunner is a multi-talented instrumentalist whose prowess and passion are on the guitar. He also works with Johansen to arrange the tracks during production stage. Lise Lotte is an incredible vocalist who has conquered the world at competitive stage. She has the unique ability to shift from classical rock to jazz. Her voice is unique and memorable with a very wide range.

Anticipation for Bridge and Boats was escalated by the love for Gravitation. The tours and concerts that followed the release of the first album have won the band more fans. Members quote John Martyn and Nick Drake as their role models. They also seek to emulate the success and performance style of the Beatles in order to rule the music of their generation.

Poetry is a major part of the lyrics by this team. Renowned poets like Rumi and Hafez have greatly influenced this aspect. Their music is distributed through online stores and internet radios. The melody and lyrics indicate a unique sense of composure and careful choice when they were being developed.

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