Friday, December 12, 2014

The Way How To Hold A Violin Correctly

By Lucia Weeks

If you need to be great with this instrument, then you can count on this article to be there for you every step of the way. So, be able to take advantage of it while you still can. Keep in your mind that this source can be taken from you at any period of the day and that is something that you will really have to prevent or at least be ahead of.

The first thing that you need to do is pay attention to your elbow. It should be in the right height so that you will know how to hold a violin correctly. If you will put it a little bit too high for your own good, then that will only lead you to experience some pain in your body parts and that is not good.

Second, you should be careful with the way you wrap your wrists. If you will have that level of attention, then you can have the assurance that all of your body parts will stay intact at the end of the day. Keep in mind that you are still a human being in here. If you will not put that in your head, then you will lose your way.

Third, you would need to keep your wrist away from the neck of the violin. If you would do that, then you would surely be protecting that part of your body. So, get used to this kind of position even if you would be experiencing some difficulty in the beginning. All of these things would be worth it in the end.

If you do not know where to put your thumb, then you simply need to watch your tutorial videos again and again. It does not matter if it will take you a long time to do this. What is essential in here is that you will learn the right placement and you will gain the respect of your fellow musicians.

Your fingers should not be close to one another. Since you are still a novice in the field, then you can continue watching your fingers all the time. However, you will have to stop doing that when the right time comes. So, simply be in the right flow of your training and you will be just fine. That is an assurance.

Your posture is required to be impeccable. If you have to maintain that position even while you are eating, then be up for that challenge. Keep in mind that this is also good for your health. Thus, simply be in the right zone.

If you have to sit down, then make sure that you would be sitting in something comfortable. If you would be given with the privilege to choose your chair, then grab the great opportunity that you have been presented with. If you would be in that path, then you would not be encountering any problem along the way.

Overall, simply hang in there. You can be done with your training in no time. Just have more faith on yourself and on your skills.

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