Thursday, February 26, 2015

Creating A Few Cover Bands

By Olivia Cross

If you desire to be part of this world, then let no one tell you otherwise. Take note that you are the one controlling the wheel of your life. If you will let other people persuade you to take other dreams, then it will no longer be the future that you have been dreaming about. Thus, stick with

First of all, you will have to be more open minded. Take note that you will be building several Las Vegas cover bands in here. Yes, you have to be loved by many but then, you can never deny the fact that you cannot please everybody. So, let them say what they have to say and move on with the life that you intend to feel.

Second, be confident even if you get the feeling that you will throw up in the platform that you are standing on. Yes, it is perfectly normal to be afraid but then, you have nothing to worry about in here. You are very talented and it is time for the whole world to know what you got. Thus, try to calm yourself down.

Third, you would have to stick with the style that your band is comfortable with. Keep in mind that this would never be single man show on your part. So, you would have to consider what other people have to say. If you all have contradicting statements, then find a way to make things work.

You would need to be flexible as much as possible. If you would be asked to play one song that you are not comfortable with, then learn it to the best of your abilities. Remember that you are part of a team in here. If you would not do your part, then everything can fall apart and that is not good.

If you want to play more than one musical instrument, then that is good. Keep in mind that learning is a never ending cycle. If you would take that as one of your principles in life, then you would never stay in the same solid ground for long and that is what you need as an artist.

If you have been given with the chance to pick your songs during the event, then try to be a little bit creative. Be noted that this is not an opportunity that will be given to you on a regular basis. So, you have to grab it with both of your hands and try to make all the wise choices in here.

Settle for the rate that you will be able to accept for the first year of your career. Be noted that you will have to start with a reasonable price. If not, then you will only be driving your customers away.

Overall, simply work your hardest when you are in Las Vegas, NV. Be reminded that it will not be easy for you out there. If you will accept that reality, then that can set things in perspective for you.

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