Thursday, April 23, 2015

Why The Best Piano Lessons In Vancouver BC Are So Important To Your Kids

By Stella Gay

The piano is the most important instrument in the musical history of the West, and it has attracted an enormous litany of performers and composers. Even in the present era, songwriters and performance artists rely on it as the basic instrument in their profession, over the modern electronic instruments or massive amplification. It is not unusual for younger children to start playing the piano, too, and organizing the best piano lessons in Vancouver BC is an integral part of their education.

Piano music represents a gigantic area of composition, from the very old classical household names to the ordinary, unknown practise exercises. Technical practise is easy to provide pieces for. Those who try to master specific genres or playing styles are also able to draw on vast repertoires of available pieces. This is in contrast to other instruments which are specific to one genre or musical era.

Another aspect of the piano is the sheer range of notes that it allows to be used. All the notes are present on the keyboard, all the time. This gives the pianist the ability to construct chords that are not always possible on other instruments, or to create contrasts over several octaves. The popular guitar, for example, cannot match the density of piano music, since it only has six strings, or notes, available at any given time.

Piano music is ideal for public recitals, too. It has enough volume to fill the room, whether in the home or socially. Popular preference can dictate what is played, as well, because the repertoire of the instrument is so vast. Where more than one person wants to play it, such as a duet on one instrument, it is more able to allow this than others.

The wider implications of music education should not be overlooked. Neurological research indicates that the brain grows differently and more fully if the child learns an instrument. This added development is then applicable to other facets of their education and life in general.

From a psychological perspective, an instrument is also beneficial. Mastering an instrument is not easy. It takes time and it requires consistent application. Rewards are related to effort. The discipline of music teaches the child to persevere and to take a long-term approach to achieving success. There is also the fact that they may receive the recognition of those around them for their progress.

Of course, recognition shouldn't be the ultimate aim of their playing, but it does help them to understand how to approach public appearance or present themselves to an audience. Where shyness is limiting the child's development, the impediment can be interrogated through performing their music for others.

Music teachers are aware of these issues, and they incorporate them into their lessons in Vancouver BC. It isn't necessary to try to be a talented public performer in order to grow as a person on the instrument. Piano lessons will help your kids to learn basic life skills that they can apply in later years, in other activities.

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