Wednesday, July 1, 2015

What You Did Not Know About Jazz Music

By Ruthie Calderon

There are several genres of music and each claims its unique fans. African American communities in the United States pride themselves as the originators of this genre of music. It is hailed as traditional style given the multicultural society that it its background. Jazz music emerged in late 19th century. It emerged in several parts of the US in the form of new independent musical style.

Generally it is hard to define this genre, because it encompasses a wide variety of music spanning over a hundred years. Most people normally try to define it from the outlook of other musical traditions like African or European music, although the definition is broader. The definitions differ as per person, with others advocating for broader definition as others prefer the narrower version.

The genre comprises of swung note, improvisation, syncopation, and polyrhythms. It has aspects of European harmony, American popular music, and brass tradition. To add on this, it unites African musical elements like blue notes and ragtime. It took on varied regional, national, and local musical cultures resulting to lots of distinctive genres while spreading all over.

Each genre of music has a crucial role, which it serves in addition to the usual entertainment purpose. One of the areas it served was uniting people, mainly its supporters despite their age differences. Jazz has been important leveler and unifier and is still held as such. It generated and sustained artistic subcultures that are responsible for nowadays new and advanced artistry.

It served a role in creating awareness about African American history and culture. This unforgettable role cannot be ignored. Amongst its other wider roles included pin pointing African Americans contributions to society. Other people tie jazz to repressive and racist communities with constraints as the order of life. To others it is a persist reminder of failed artistic career as a result of prevailing situation back then.

Supporters of the genre grew considerably with the growth of live band performances and recording firms. It is usually connected with clubs or nightlife. Performers and professionals in the field travel globally performing at all sorts of venues ranging from hotels to dance halls. Previously a strict color bar was in effect and artists were expected to adhere to this all the time. The break through came when swing jazz was introduced as it led to global integration.

Part of evolution of this style saw female artists and innovators enter this male dominated field. Dating back to 1920s women served as instrumentalists. Female singers remained unpopular since they were given lesser roles such as pianists. Women took over from men when they got enlisted for war and still make their appearance to date. Women bands with female singers started emerging during the First World War.

To conclude, throughout history this genre continues to find innovative and talented musicians who continually redefine and reinvent it. It is wide spread in all continents and has a legacy of its own. It has a lot of legends down the line who helped make things what they are today. The rich melodies, engaging rhythms, and harmonies are just but some of things that make it unique.

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