Monday, November 30, 2015

How To Be A Saxophone Player Fabian

By Marci Nielsen

Performing for a lot of people does not primarily rely on your skills. You have to display your heart out there too. That is the only way that you can send shivers down the spine of everyone. Let this be an experience that they will tell to everyone they meet and brand you as a master in your own right.

You would have to relax. Remember that your greatest asset as a saxophone player Fabian is your breath. Thus, try to be calm before your performance. Think about other things aside from the people who are waiting for you outside. Condition your mind to be calm for the body to follow right away.

Do not look at your fingers all the time. You should memorize every part of your instrument by now. Also, you have to memorize all the pieces which you would be playing. That is an indication that you have prepared well and that one shall be giving everybody a good show. Always do your best in all your performances.

Listen to classical music and love it. Remember that your target is in the older generation. Also, have more appeal to richer clients by showing to them that you know your craft indeed. Talk with class and be among the few musicians who never run out of gigs. Support your needs in the best way you know how.

Expand your versatility by going into the lane of other instruments. Yes, the tracks will sound weird coming from a saxophone but it is your job to modify the notes a little bit for you to get the exact flavor and emotion. Do not be afraid to explore when there are no rules preventing you from doing so and when it can be fun.

Be hard on yourself during the practice. Not everyone is given the chance to perform in a huge opera house. So, see this as a life and death situation and listen to everything that your mentor will tell you. Listening to the comments of another person is the way for you to start playing for the public and not for yourself.

Let manual and electronic recordings be your guide in terms of a group performance. The orchestra has to be there to spice up your show. However, it is your task to never let them overpower you. You still have to stand out and maintain your composure for you not to lose the spotlight.

Combine pieces together if you can. However, this would still depend on the audience that you are playing for. If all of them are conservative, stick with the arrangement which have been given to you by your maestro. You would only be allowed to play around if this is already your solo concert.

Just be passionate with what you do. Not everyone would appreciate your music but know that those who do have expensive taste. You are a work of art and you do not have to change just for you to feel fulfilled with your true passion in life. Be comfortable with your instrument and music and that will show in your performance and easily earn a standing ovation.

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