Sunday, May 8, 2016

Choosing A Canadian Record Label

By Linda Williams

A record label is generally defined as a brand associated with marketing of music and videos. It can also be looked at as a company that publishes and manages brands and trademarks, a record label is also tasked with enforcement of copyright for sound recording as well as video, and they market and distribute the music as well. A Canadian record label is not different at all, it performs the same tasks.

An artist should be aware of the different types of labels that are available in the market. A successful artist can consult with legal counselor in order to make a more informed decision before dealing with one of them to market and distribute his or her work.

There are different types of artist signing companies that are widely known. One is a major, another is a minor-major and the last but not least the independent record label. A major, works in collaborating with the international companies commonly known as the big four since there are four such companies that exist. SONY, BMG, Universal Music Group and Warner Music Group are the big four brands that a major is affiliated to and sells their tunes through them.

The medium sized labels are known as Mini-majors. They are owned by several major labels. They are associated to the major labels and do all their business through them. Thus it means that they are also affiliated to the big four. The last one is the independent record company which does its business without being in business with any other major or international brand.

A record label and her artists have been known to have a pretty stressed relationship. Their decisions do not converge in most cases, the brand does what is best in terms of marketing the art and the artist strives to retain originality of the art. An artist does not therefore welcome alterations whereas a company wants to make some changes to meet their desired outcome. That being said, a contract is therefore important, as it shows the terms that both the artist and the label have agreed upon and must adhere to.

Many artist signing companies have experienced loss of clients or artists due to the emergence of easy ways of sharing files online such as iTunes, YouTube and tubidy. Most artists are able to sale their work and distribute it through different websites that are much easy and cheap to create.

Labels have found new techniques of remaining useful and operational, because although the internet is a cheap way of distributing the music recording and videos, the returns are little. Especially when dealing with well established artists. They sign new deals with their artists that are friendly and more profitable.

Choosing a good brand name to record your music with is thus an important step for any artists successful career. This calls for good research on different existing labels in the market. Their reputation and their relationship with other artists are important to look at before fully committing to work with a given brand. An artist should feel convinced that working with that specific company will bring out the best results of the art work.

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