Thursday, June 30, 2016

Tips On Chimney Cleaning Windsor Locks CT

By James Peterson

Burning fire inside the chimney result in the accumulation of creosote and soot, which is a sticky and flammable substance that can cause fires if not eliminated on time. The good news is that the procedure of cleaning chimneys is not only simple, but also affordable. Carrying out chimney cleaning Windsor Locks CT program on a regular basis is a sure way of eliminating accumulation of harmful gases in the smokestack. The structure gets rid of carbon monoxide, which can cause fatal effects if allowed to accumulate inside the building.

Adopting a regular program of maintaining or cleaning the chimney is a sure way of improving its efficiency and performance. Cleaning it twice or thrice annually is recommendable. However, the number of times the smokestack should be cleaned is dictated by the frequency of using the fireplace. Alternatively, you can measure the amount of soot available in the stack. For instance, if a single scrape using a pencil results in 1/8 thick soot, you should start planning to clean the chimney. Make a point of cleaning it when the weather is a bit warm or dry.

In order to clean the smokestack effectively, you should utilize properly sized tools. Measure its sides starting from the bottom and proceeding to the fireplace. Climb up a ladder and take measurements of the smokestack from the top. Confirm both the shape and size of flue. Knowing the height of smokestack is important. You can overestimate height to acquire a longer brush that can clean highest part of chimney.

Purchase the washing supplies a day prior to the actual washing day. Use your measurement to acquire an appropriate wire or plastic brush. Alternatively, you can acquire extension pipes or rope pulley system to assist you in cleaning the entire length of smokestack. Buy a drop cloth, stiff wire bush, a tall ladder, a dustpan, and broom. Remember to put on protective clothing during the washing process. For instance, you can wear goggles to protect your eyes and face mask to prevent inhalation of dusts.

Upon acquiring all the washing supplies, you should embark on the process of preparing the building for cleaning. Ensure expensive electronics, furniture, and other important equipment in the house is covered with sheets. Remove the damper from the smokestack flue. Use the small wire brush to clean the damper.

Assess your roof and confirm if it can hold the weight of the ladder. Place the brushes and other supplies in the satchel and climb up the ladder. Place them at strategic position where you can easily access them to avoid climbing up and down. If your roof is slanted or weak, you should clean the smokestack from the bottom part.

Join the first pipe piece into the brush and then insert it into the stack. Move the brush up and down to scrub the flue. Incorporate another segment of pipe so that you can access the lower part of the stack. Repeat the up and down motion until the entire stack is clean.

A reliable professional cleaner must be equipped with necessary cleaning tools and equipment. She or he must engage in sound business activities and possess an incredible online presence. The expert must be update on the changes that take place in the industry.

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