Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Best Strategies For Bathroom Renovation Brooklyn

By Stephanie Stone

Most people dream of having a bathroom that is both high on comfort and stylish with materials and fixtures that have long lasting value. Other than comfort, when people are purchasing homes they rush to see the condition of the toilet. Therefore at the time when you will want to sell your home, you are sure to get high resale value. You can have a bathroom of your choice without being extravagant. The strategies given below will guide you on how to have the best Bathroom Renovation Brooklyn.

The vital thing that you should do before anything else is planning on how you are going to renovate the bathroom. You should look at the space that you have and consider the materials that you will require so that it looks unique. At this stage, is when you will plan on your budget and the time that you have to finish the whole job.

You should make lighting a priority and have well-designed bathroom lighting for daily gloaming. Having multiple showers and radiant heat floors will make the area more fabulous.

The other thing that you need to have in mind is the ventilation. Excess humidity in the bath area makes mirrors foggy and floors very slippery which may if not checked cause the growth of molds. The remedy for molds is expensive, and if you want to have healthy indoor air and protect the quality of your home, then you must have enough ventilation in your toilet. You should make sure you have automatic exhaust fans as well as control switches that come into action when a sensor senses excess moisture in the air.

Another thing you should consider is the storage component in the toilet. Some items like bath soaps, toilet papers and hair and body products are best kept in the bathroom. When space is limited, then you can think of making vertical storage places like in between the wall studs. There you can fix smart niches to hold soap toilet papers. When the space is too small, you can use woven baskets and floor stands to hold the towels.

By offering to work together with your contractor you reduce the chances of paying an extra person to help the contractor. You can agree with your expert before the start of the job how much you will reduce by assisting him. The professional can allow you to do some simple jobs like fixing those things that do not need expertise thus reducing cost.

Your designer can help you in reducing the cost if you work closely with him. Make sure the choice of the materials is based on the look but not on expense for there are nice looking and durable materials that are not necessarily expensive. For the permanent fixtures, you can use neutral colors and use mix colors for easily changeable items.

With all these guidelines, you are sure to have a toilet that will increase the value of the house. You will also be comfortable in the space that you have and enjoy having a good stylish bathroom.

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1 comment:

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