Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The National Parks Song Project And Gigi Love

By Diane Clark

When a person has a dream of becoming a musician, too often the dream goes unfulfilled. However, this is not the case for Gigi Love who is currently participating in a National Parks centennial songs project. The artist plans to write a song related to the iconic community and scenery of each park.

The work in this area is all about the singer's passion for the National parks while currently attempting to host a performance at each one. One of the first songs created by this artist is that of Yosemite Gold, a song about visiting Yosemite National Park near Sacramento, California. Whereas, Sequoia and others are also on the list.

Upon buying a mandolin from a fellow park visitor last Summer, Ms. Love found a quiet meadow in which the singer sat down and began writing songs. While writing, Gigi decided to start planning the current park project. After which, the singer returned home and released a mini-recording of three songs related to the project.

The singer's hopes are to continue the project until having written a song about each National park. An endeavor that could no doubt take years before completion. Still, as the artist is back home and working on a full-length album of parks visited to date, it appears Ms. Love remains quite passionate about the project.

With a love for nature and learning, Gigi adores traveling and visiting popular and primitive areas. In fact, a great deal of inspiration comes from a number of natural settings in and outside the parks. For, the singer also acquires fans, makes friends and often becomes a part the local community performing in different areas.

Earlier, Ms. Love recorded and released a three song CD based on previous visits. One of which is that of Yosemite Gold, a song related to Yosemite National Park, a short distance from San Francisco, and Sacramento, California. Whether revisiting existing songs or performing new ones, the singer-songwriter rarely disappoints. To learn more about this great singer-songwriter, and to view information related to album releases, audios, videos, current performance dates, or past history, visit Gigi's Facebook and website.

The singer-songwriter has also opened for the David Matthews group, and performed at the closing ceremony at the 2002 Winter Olympics. Prior to, and since these earlier performances, the singer-songwriter continues to play a number of different venues in Salt Lake City, Utah and around the country. In doing so, the artist has shown an in-depth love for singing and songwriting, while often drawing large crowds at shows.

The singer-songwriter's hopes are that these songs will not only entertain but also inspire others. Whether that inspiration be in relation to visiting the parks, or to create interesting and unique projects in the arts. For, the National Parks Songs project is one of the biggest to have ever been sanctioned by the parks to date. As such, those looking for performance space, may want to consider similar alternatives rather than sticking to traditional clubs, theaters and other indoor venues.

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