Monday, January 16, 2017

Facts Concerning Christian Rock Charlotte NC

By John Reynolds

Music has been in church, it will be in church and it should be in church. It helps Christians realize spirit-filled life. In other words, music enriches spiritual life of believers. Rock music performed by Christian individuals is called Christian rock. This type of genre has Christian lyrics. It mainly plays the role of entertainment rather than the worship. This kind of music started in 1970s and was called Jesus music. Nowadays, Christian Rock Charlotte NC is becoming common.

Church was originally considered as holy place where only music with special features could be played. Programs were arranged in a manner that exuded holiness of programmers. However, this is not the case nowadays. It is shameful to reveal that secular music in the name of Christian rock is played within the church. To make the matter worse, some church leaders accept it. Daughters and sons of pastors have embraced it and do not want to leave it.

Youth leaders in churches located in and around City Charlotte NC are facing a lot of pressure to include the genre into programs for youths. Some people believe that by doing this more youths will be reached. However, this is not true. The reality is the genre is neither edifying nor evangelistic. The true Christians still stand against it. Before music is accepted in church there are a number of things must be considered. These are its character, lyrics and the score. Its effects to the listeners and also the doctrines must be considered.

Lyrics of a good gospel music must be spiritually oriented and clear in order to reveal the spiritual truth clearly. Nowadays, learning institutions such as seminaries, biblical schools, universities and other related colleges are sending group of singers to local churches to entertain and also inspire saints. However, true Christians are left bewildered and confused. They are seeing type of music that does not match what they expect. Good Christian songs have features discussed below.

One of the characteristics of spiritual songs is that they are clear. This makes it easy for believers to understand them. Such songs are played in accordance with sound doctrines. Words used are encouraging and teach more about the Jesus Christ. Their lyrics do not prevent listeners from getting true information.

Musical note arrangement in a given song is known as the score. When you look at musical arrangement in a particular song differentiating spiritual songs from the rest becomes very easy. Spiritual songs have lyrics and score that are complimentary. Furthermore, arrangement of the notes does not have negative effects to emotions of listeners.

Spiritual songs should have musical notes that do not arouse bad emotions. Christian rock is highly discouraged because its musical notes arrangement and the lyrics do not comply with the church doctrines. Character of music is actually the attitude of the music performers and also the music itself.

Characteristic, superficial religiousness, neo-evangelical, ostentatious, Universalist, irreverent and expressionistic are terms commonly used to describe character of this type of genre. It is also characterized with guitars played loudly and also smoke bombs. Features of the genre crystal clearly show it is not the best music type for believers.

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