Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Become A Piano Maestro With The Taubman Approach

By Charles Patterson

Achieving perfection on the keyboard is no longer about extensive practice. New information reveals that there is a formula that maestros use to hit their best potential. The Taubman Approach was developed after analyzing the techniques used by the best pianists over five decades. This eliminated the notion that these maestros used the trial and error method to reach their great achievements.

Over five decades, Dorothy Taubman, a Brooklyn based pedagogue developed this approach with the aim of solving some of the technical problems that affected players. The idea was to find an ordered and rational way of playing with ease. Her suggestions have enabled ordinary pianists to graduate into world renowned instrumentalists.

The realization that pianists were influential artists was revealed to be important in advancing their skills. By understanding their positions and claiming them, it would be easy to achieve full potential. Remaining in the background meant that the pianist gave away his influence over the music.

In her assessment, Dorothy set to establish why children played with ease but it became painful for conscious adults to achieve similar graceful moves. She sort to identify the simple principles that were hidden in the complex motions. Her formula sort to establish the simplicity that underlies the complexity of excellent piano skills. In her assessment, the fingers are synchronized in motion such that each part performs at its best.

The discoveries made through this investigation changed the way people viewed and played the piano. A pivotal revelation was that accuracy in motion was achieved when fingers produced mid range response to motion through the least possible effort and as a result produced accuracy. It was tension at the challenging sections that pushed the player to be more accurate.

With coordinated movements, each part of the finger naturally responds in a manner that delivers the most mechanical advantage. She gives a scenario where the forearm compensates for lack of speed compared to the large upper arm by initiating motion. Every pianist must seek freedom and utmost precision. It is the principle of maximum results for minimum effort that will make this possible. The refusal by a player to follow these principles, in her conclusion has caused boredom and pain during play.

Among the major outcomes of this analysis was the revelation of musculoskeletal disorders that affected pianists at the time. These disorders were attributed to poor playing skills. It was also revealed that recovery or relief was realized when a pianist understood and followed the rules. In fact, following the coordinated motions rules enabled pianists who were previously injured to achieve more prowess and skill mastery than before they experienced the injury.

The revelation was that use of the right formula brought about relaxation compared to playing at the highest level using the wrong technique. Even in instances where a player takes a long break, resumption would be seamless if he has learnt the right method. When a player experiences technical block or ceiling, continuous playing will not solve the problem until the correct diagnosis has been made. Understanding the rules of play was revealed to produce better results than extending the hours of practice.

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