Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Finally Having A Pipe Organ Repair

By Kevin Scott

Count Dracula is known to be one of the classic monsters ever known by human kind. He is the lord of all living vampires. Everyone knows what vampires do and that is the need to feed on human blood. That is what they basically do as their job. Now for Count Dracula though, when he has enough of it, he has another hobby. That hobby is playing a musical instrument. But one night, he could not play it and decided to call the handyman to know more on pipe organ repair North Carolina.

Old churches usually have this instrument in the choir area. New generations might not be able to know of these anymore since they are more familiar with pianos and keyboards. This is considered to be an antique and is not produced much anymore. They have those tubes at the back and are larger compared to the grand piano.

The handyman the count contacted finally shows up. Luckily he contacted a service company that are able to work at night or even at dawn. Not only that, this person had a positive attitude and is not afraid of the vampire at all. Anyway, included in the service is a check up. Of course before anything else is always a check up.

After happily checking up on this, he told the count that dust that was accumulated could be the problem. Being in a haunted mansion that has no regular cleanliness could definitely cause this instrument to not work properly. Feeling guilty, he then permitted the person to do the cleaning immediately.

Aside from the dust, he also mentions that pipes need of replacing. He slowly explains that as the years have gone by, pipes especially those that are made with tin and alloy are very delicate and an oxide layer may have stiffened them up. Being over a hundred years old in the mansion without maintenance could be another problem.

As part of his check up, he then asks how often this was played. Count Dracula smirked and told him that he would play it every day especially when he has had a scrumptious meal. Then an assumption could be that the keyboard, if not the pipes, is no longer connected to the tubes due to the constant playing and also need to be replaced.

Before the count could say anything, the handyman also tells him that the foot pedals are defected as well. These pedals are used to change the sound in different ways making a harmonious melody. To add information, he mentions they all have specific functions and have names.

Now to end it, part of this repair is by rebuilding or relocating that instrument. It could be that all the parts are already too old to function or the place where it is standing is the nuisance. When this is done, there will be an improvement to its quality.

All that the service person have said were just some of repairs that can be done. He was able to bring extra tubes, keyboard buttons and pedals in his service truck parked outside. After how many hours, Count was able to play again his beautiful masterpiece and thanked the person by not sucking his blood.

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