Saturday, June 29, 2019

Greatest Decisions In Our Lives

By Ryan Davis

Life is only a journey, normally there are obstacles we need to overcome in order to reach our destination. In some point of our lives we face problems and disappointments that made us question that Almighty. Its only right to get frustrated, no one in this cruel world had never suffer the same thing as you.

Most are afraid to make a big decision, which is why most of us remain in the level where people do not give us any care. It is very natural to be afraid of something, but being afraid does not mean that one is not allowed to overcome such. Overcoming any obstacles is in fact our inborn talent as a human being.

Life is only a game, and it is up to you on how are you going to play it. Being a game, it is normal to loose, of course we are not destined to win all the time. We need to accept the reality that in the wheel of life, you may be on the top or maybe at the bottom. In either case, such is not yet the end of the world.

We should not let our failure be the reason for giving up. We can always do better than before, and even do more than we can usually do. That ability is really natural to a person since we have the highest level of intelligence. Evolution as what they call it, but I prefer to call it adaptation.

We need to understand the principle of life that nothing is impossible if hard work and dedication is used. During the middle of this game, sacrifices may be asked from you. Such sacrifice may involve sweat or even blood. But that is totally fine because they are actually the product of hard work. And the same usually results to success.

However, in every goal that we want to achieve, changes as a requirement, does not happen overnight. In order for us to evolve, we have to make changes. But for us to make a change, consistency is very important. We will not become stronger just by lifting weights for the whole day. By analogy, we cannot become better just by doing it once.

Pain is always present when success is our goal. But that pain is only a part of such process. Overcoming the same will definitely follow that you are ready to stand at the top. In every good thing in this world, the process is always the hardest part. Even God experience that. And as a human being, pain is only a part of a whole which is success.

The will of a person differs depending on its environment. Sometimes, we need the support of our family and those people we value the most for us to gain confidence. There are also persons who do not want their family to get involved. These people enjoy being alone because for them, independence is a sign of maturity.

As what had mentioned above, being afraid is completely fine. As a matter of fact, such is only a proof that actually you are a human. But to tell you, there is actually nothing to be afraid of. As long as you are certain that you wanted some changes, making decision no matter what the result is, is absolutely perfect.

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