Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Photography Can Be Fun With These Helpful Hints

By Victoria Greengrass

You have an appreciation for photography but you have no idea how to work a camera. This article will break down some of the basics steps of how to use a camera and how to get great looking images, no matter if you have a point and shoot camera or a dSLR.

When aiming for the perfect shot, remember to keep sunlight in mind. Too little and you can't see the subject. Too much and one of two things happen. The first is that too much sunlight is directed into the camera's lens or on the subject and washes out the picture. The second is the person being photographed has to blink or close his eyes because of the massive amounts of sunlight coming into his eyes.

Shoot your subject quickly. If there is any chance of your subject moving, take the shot as quickly as you can. You never know when your subject will move, or get tired of waiting for you to take the shot. It's better to shoot right away and get too many pictures, then to wish you had.

When you're choosing a new camera, think about how much control you need over your pictures when deciding whether to purchase an SLR or a point and shoot. If you're just going to be taking snapshots of friends and family, or documenting a vacation, you may not need the depth of features on an SLR. If you are going to be doing more serious portrait work, or want full control over everything you do, then choose an SLR.

Shoot and aim quickly. If you are taking a picture of an object that is moving, or could move suddenly (such as a perched bird) take the first photo as quickly as possible. This ensures you have at least one photo of your subject, even if it is not perfect. Once you grab the initial shot, if the subject allows for it, you can take a second, more carefully aimed picture. It is better to have several images to choose from than to spend precious seconds framing the first shot only to have your subject fly off.

Decide if you are interested in a subject before you photograph it. Know that if a subject is seeming boring to you, it is going to be boring to future viewers of the image. Take some time to make your shots interesting, and you will be rewarded with better shots.

In conclusion, you have a love for the art of photography but you do not know the first thing about how to take a good picture. Hopefully, you were able to follow along with the advice provided in this article so that you can take this on as a hobby and start creating your own art.

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