Monday, May 7, 2012

Photography Tips That Are Proven To Work

By Dorsey T. Emanus

Learning more about photography is the best way to improve yourself. The following article will give you plenty of advice on the basic principles every photographer should know; this way, you can avoid those silly photographic mistakes which cause poor shots and missed special moments.

When you are ready to take a photo, you should first figure out if you need/want to expose the shadows or highlight of your subject. Use photo editing software to put two photographs together and make them the perfect picture!

You should be aware of the way sharpness works and where exactly it shows up within the image. The image will appear sharper when you look through the center of the lens. Moving outward, towards the edges of your camera frame, distortion begins.

Different filters are used as an extension of a cameras lenses. You can screw filters directly onto the end of your lens set-up. A UV filter is the most commonly used filter. A UV filter shields your camera lens from the rays of the sun. In addition, it can aid in protecting your lens from being damaged if dropped.

Many shots that you take won't ever end up in a picture frame, but that doesn't mean you should throw them away. Keeping a scrapbook or portfolio of your work in general, not just the great shots, will help you correct your mistakes and track your progress as you improve your photography.

Don't forget about night photography. As adequate lighting is not normally available during night shoots, it is important that forethought is given to the lighting that will be used. To get great night time shots, you can use flashes or external lights, shoot with a slower shutter speed, and carry a tripod.

These tips should give you the best information in order to get your thoughts together. You will become very successful if you work hard and learn as much as you can about photography.

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