Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Check Out This Great Advice On Photography

By Jason McGreddy

Taking photographs is a great way to capture any moment in life. Organizing them and printing them has never been easier. No longer is there the need for film and processing. Use the tips below to add whimsy to your photography hobby and to take pictures that look like they should be in magazines!

Avoid the showboats in the crowds when you're taking pictures of people. Some guys and gals out there just want to get their face recognized, so they'll do some pretty wild things. Don't even point the camera in their direction. When has stupidity ever led to a great photograph? Just find someone else to shoot.

Consider how the viewer's eye will follow the shot. Good shots have at least one point that will focus the viewer's initial attention. Better shots have multiple points of interest that act as a virtual tour of the photo. Example include a defined skyline, lines on a road, or items in the foreground that stretch into the background.

It seems like a very obvious tip, but you should always check your camera's owners' manual. You would be surprised at just how many people think that all cameras operate the same. There are thousands of different types of cameras out there, and one can easily have different settings and features from another you're use to using, even if they're similar.

Once you have spotted the subject of your picture, make sure to take your shot right away. This is especially true if your subject is a living being, such as a child or animal. Since staying in one position for a long time is hard for animals and children, you want to make sure you get the pose you want.

If you do not have a tripod available to use for low lighting situations, try using your motor drive. Try to turn it up to high and then proceed to take a series of shots. Disregard the first shot and go ahead and keep the others that will always be sharper than the first.

If you will be taking several pictures to be pieced together into one big photo, for example if you want a panoramic view, make sure that you turn of the auto focus on your SLR camera. If you do not do this, as you move your camera to take the different shots, the auto focus will automatically adjust. Instead you want to take the pictures with just one focus setting.

Be careful to capture natural smiles when you photograph people. Often people will put on an obviously fake smile when they know you are trying to get a photo. Assure that their face is relaxed, that the smile is not forced, and the eyes reflect genuine emotion. Take several shots until it is right.

Make sure that you're always taking notes as a photographer if you want to keep improving. Take notes of the places you like, the places you dislike, the hotspots you find, those little "secrets" you discover along the way, and anything else you think is worthy of writing down to remember.

Consider your photo angles before you shoot. Look through your cameras view finder to see how the background and foreground interact. Check for odd shapes, or things that will detract from what you were thinking when you decided to take the shot. Taking a second to compose your craft will improve your pictures.

As was stated at the beginning of this article, photography is a great hobby that allows you to express yourself artistically. In order to become a skilled photographer you need to study up on the best photographic techniques and put in plenty of hard work and effort. Apply the advice from this article and you will be well on your way to becoming a world class photographer.

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