Friday, March 1, 2013

Three Crucial Things That Art Lovers Endeavor To Know Before Making Decisions On Whether To Buy Paintings

By Gelenia Cally

There are some three crucial things that art lovers endeavor to know, before making decisions on whether to buy paintings. If you are in the business of selling paintings and you actually even own a gallery where you store them, then you must have been asked the to-buy-or-not-to-buy question countless times. More often than not, the amount of sales you make on these paintings would depend on how well you answered the questions posed to you.

Remember: art lovers who buy art are deep thinkers. They also tend to be eccentric folks. They are therefore not likely to buy a painting just because it looks good - there are other considerations they make. Aesthetics is important, but it is not the end-all and be-all of painting-buying. Without any further ado, we will now venture to look at the three things that matter to art buyers - beyond the aesthetics - when it comes to buying paintings.

Paintings are creations of artists, and art lovers are definitely going to have to find out who the artists are behind these paintings. Many artists have become well-known for the quality of their work and their names alone would convince art lovers to buy their paintings. We have seen many scenarios where art lovers go ahead to purchase paintings just because they are associated with certain artists, not withstanding the actual quality of the paintings. For many, the paintings are actually treated as extension of the artists, and they are often representative of the artist's personality and sensibilities. It is just the same way that we don't just appreciate music - the melody and the lyrics in it - but where we also endeavor to know who the artists behind it are.

Another thing that art lovers look into would be the inspiration behind the paintings. What made the artist draw or paint it? You have to keep it in mind that the most attractive paintings tend to be quite enigmatic. You would find yourself having a hard time trying to fathom what could have inspired the artist to come up with said painting. When you know what has inspired the artist to come up with a painting, you will find yourself developing a greater appreciation for the artwork. It has been quite common to see many mediocre paintings being snapped up by buyers because they were fascinated with how the painting came to be.

Art lovers also tend to look deeper into the paintings and try to figure out what message they are trying to get across. Then they will decide based on the message. Coded messages are also found within abstract art paintings. Sellers of paintings - or some of them, at least - will not think twice about making up these messages and associating them with the paintings in an effort to translate them into sales and increase their bottomline. This is not entirely wrong or bad. People viewing a painting tend to come up with their own interpretation of what message is supposedly hidden within it, anyway.

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